Chapter Twenty Five

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A new year and a new life. Ben and Sadie are combining their families and have been looking for a new home for them. Brittany was not too happy that no one told her of their plans, not even the kids said a word. It was only when she saw the listing sign outside Sadie's house that she put the pieces together.


Ben and Sadie found an old farm that was for sale by an Elderly man who was recently widowed. It came with a lot of acreages and a large farmhouse that would hold their entire family. This included Allie. It's a big white house with a large front porch and a huge front yard. It's off the road a bit so it is giving Ben and Sadie the privacy they so desperately desire. A place to disconnect from the world and connect with each other as a family. This was always Sadie's dream. Farmhouse, rolling land, and a place to feel free from the pressures of life.

It's almost Valentine's Day and they are moving into their new home. Ben had to work so Sadie is doing her best to put things away and organize the rooms. They are combining five people into one home.

"Sadie, where are you?" Ben screams through the house.

"Kitchen," She yells as Ben walks through the door. "Hey love, what are you up to?"

"Finally home from work, long day. The kitchen looks great! Are we cooking or ordering out?" Ben asks.

"Ordering out!... Please," She says.

"Got it, Chinese ok?"

"Perfect," he says. "By the way, Valentine's Day is tomorrow."

"I've heard. Do we have any plans?" Sadie responds

"Maybe..." Ben says with a big grin. "Ok, I do have plans for us, but I'd like to keep it a surprise."

"Ok, deal. Any hints? Are we going out? Super dressy or casual? I need something," Sadie asks.

"I'll give you this, casual, dress warm, and you are already beautiful," He says.

Sadie blushes. She doesn't ever think she will get used to the outward display of love that Ben shows her consistently. "Smooth, flattery will get you everywhere."

"Oh yeah?" Ben says as he stalks toward her. She is giggling and moving back towards the living room.

"Yeah... Maybe... Depends," She says between laughs.

"Yeah? On what?" He says.

"How fast you are," She responds quickly then takes off running through the house laughing. Ben Chases her, finally catching her and tackling her to the couch. They are laughing and Ben is holding her close.

"I'll never let you go, you know that?" he smiles at her.

"That's the plan, and the hope," Se says.

Ben leans down and kisses her sweet lips. Just as he feels her pulling him closer to deepen the kiss the voices of being cockblocked... again.

"Oh come on! Guys! Living room? Please tell me you haven't tainted it!" Hudson says.

"Yeah! You have your own room!" Everett adds.

"Super awkward," Gunner completes the trio of comments.

"No, kids nothing happened. Cheese!" Sadie says annoyed.

Ben rolls over groaning. "Ok, kids, homework?"

"Yup, on it! Come on guys dining room table and let's knock this out. I'm feeling an evening of Call of Duty!" Gunnar says giving Hudson a high five.

"Heathens," Everett says, setting herself up at the end of the table.

"Chinese for dinner, you kids good with that?" Ben asks.

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