Chapter Thirteen

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Ben is sitting at the diner waiting for Gunnar. He's ordered a good amount of food, god knows this kid can eat. After having a light conversation with Sadie last night, hearing her laugh, Ben finds that he is hungry. Not just for food but for life... a life with Sadie. He is lost in thought and gripping his coffee cup when he hears Gunnar cough in front of him.

"How is she this morning?" Gunnar asks.

"Good, we talked a lot about everything but us and what happened. It was light, fun, and neutral conversation.

"Good, Good. She will sleep half the day. Now is your chance to lay it all out for me. Honest, don't lie to me," Gunnar says.

"Brittany is Pregnant," Ben says. Gunnar nods and frustration is clear across his face. "It's not mine." Now Gunnar looks confused. "I had a vasectomy eight years ago after I found out about one of her affairs. I thought it was her first time stepping out of our marriage but I have learned recently that it was not. I decided to get a vasectomy and not tell her or anyone because I knew if we were to get divorced that I could use this in my favor if she tried anything with Hudson and Everett. I wouldn't survive without them.

Ben continues on, "What she said to your mom, summer told me exactly what she said and I am disgusted at what I heard. I have zero plans to go back to Brittany. Gunnar you have to believe me that your mom, Hudson, Everett and you are every breath of me. I will do everything in my power to win her and you back. You are all my future and the only one I want. I left my apartment that night and haven't been back since. Brittany tainted that safe zone. I am renting a small cottage near your mom. Hudson and Everett are the only ones who know and now you know." Ben concludes.

Gunnar sits back eating his weight in food waiting for Ben to finish his monologue. He finally gets to a point of stopping.

"You know Hudson and I talk every day, right," says Gunnar.

The statement alone makes Ben sit back in his seat. A bit confused but relieved.

"I knew it was often but I didn't know it was every day. He's been a bit closed up to me lately. Is he doing ok?" Ben asks.

"He's good. He is wanting to try out for travel baseball in a few weeks. I've been working with him to get him ready." Gunnar says.

"How did I not know this?" Ben says surprised at how much he has been missing out.

"He also said you have been in the dumps. Kind of like mom. He doesn't know what to say to you or how to help. I've just told him to be patient and to give it all time." Gunnar continues. "Listen I believe you, the whole thing. Summer and Charlie did some digging and found that Justin freaked about the baby and broke up with Brittany. That is probably why she came back to you. Honestly, I don't think she could handle being a single parent to a newborn."

"Jesus, no I don't think she can," Ben says.

"We will help you get mom back. Hudson, Everett, Summer, and I." Gunnar says.

"You will?!" Ben says excitedly.

Ben feels his whole body about to explode with excitement. He's got not only Gunnar on his side but now Hudson and Everett. He can feel tears wanting to come to the peak and he's taking all of him to hold them back.

"Don't cry, please. It's weird if you do. Yes, we will help you. Under one condition." Gunnar says.

"Anything! I will do anything!" Ben pleads.

"NEVER hurt her again. I don't think she can handle it. More so I can not watch her go through that again." Gunnar states.

"I promise to do everything in my power to make her smile every day!" Ben says with the biggest grin.

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