Chapter Twenty-Six

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Brittany sits in her apartment furious with her life. Everything she built has just dwindled down to almost nothing. She fumes at the thought she worked her ass off to get the life she had and in one match, gone. The husband left, kids can barely be around her, Justin is setting up to be worthless to her, and at the end of each day, she has to watch everyone worship the ground Sadie walks on.

The flip property Justin assured would be an easy and money maker flip has turned into a money pit. Brittany has put more money into it than she should've thanks to Justin's recommendation. She looked at the accidental destruction projects so they can unload the dump of a flip and get their money back. Justin decided to test one of the theories and it backfired, horribly. She didn't even realize what was happening until her house went up in flames. She sits and stares at him and the only thought that passes through her mind is that Justin is really, really, really, stupid.

"Brittany, when is the insurance going to payout? I need my money back for this stupid flip." Justin asks.

"They haven't closed the investigation," She responds.

"What are they saying about it?" Justin pushes.

"Waiting for the test back and they are talking to a few people," Brittany quickly responds.

"They still don't know I was there right?" Justin keeps pushing.

"I don't know, they haven't said anything," Brittany says annoyed.

"What does Ben say?" Justin continues.

"He won't talk to me. We tried things your way and it has just made things worse!" Brittany says.

"Why don't you open your legs for him, you are good at that," Justin says.

"You are pathetic! Don't ever talk to me like that! It's because of you we are in this mess! You just had to have more. More status, more money, had I known you would use me like this I would've dropped your sorry ass." Brittany says. "You had to test one of your damaged ideas for the flip at my fucking house! My kids were home!"

"They are fine and we are getting more money out of your house than we would have got for the flip. I would like to say that could be a win-win. Charlie said it would work, I don't understand why you don't trust her." Justin says.

"God you are stupid. For one, my kids. MINE! They were not supposed to be involved and Charlie? She is dating Summer, Sadie's best friend. She ratted me out to Ben. She clearly can not keep her mouth shut." Brittany fights back. "She could be telling Summer our plan right now! One good lay and boom talks like a parrot,"

"Hey! You were not saying that too long ago. It used to be "Justin you are a perfect man, Ben is nothing, blah blah blah," Justin says.

"Yeah, I just didn't realize I was screwing around with a man child who can't keep it in his pants," Brittany says.

"Pot...Kettle... Whatever. This whole relationship is a joke. Everyone knows it. Talk pathetic, we lost the baby and you are still pushing the engagement and wedding. Have you told anyone you lost the baby?" Justin asks.

"We are over," Brittany says. "Get your shit and get out."

"Thank God!" Justin says. "Wait, what? It's 10 pm and I don't have a place to go?! I sold my condo for us! What am I supposed to do?"

"That's on you, you took away my home. We are even bitch. Don't think you can come at me with anything but kind things today because I will end your career and end whatever good may come for you! I wonder if Kristine knows about me." Brittany reveals.

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