Chapter Seven

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Accident?! Ben and Sadie are driving to the hospital and Ben have been on the phone with Sargent Dawson talking about the accident. Dawson is doing most of the talking and Sadie can't hear what he is saying. As they pull up to the hospital, Sadie jumps out of the car before he can put the car in park, and just starts running.

"Sadie! Wait!" Ben screams.

Sadie can't hear what he is saying as her sole focus is on finding out about Gunnar and Victoria. She quickly approaches the check-in desk ready for a fight.

"Hi, I'm Sadie Andrews, my son and his date were brought here from an accident. Is he ok? Is he hurt? God, Is Victoria ok? Have her parents been called?" Sadie impatiently asks.

"Ms. Andrews, follow me and I can explain everything." the nurse calmly speaks. "Your son was involved in a two-vehicle accident. The other driver ran a stop sign and hit his side of the car. Victoria has minor injuries and Gunnar broke his left arm and a couple of ribs. All in all, he is going to be just fine. They are just setting his arm and will put a cast on in just a little bit."

"Thank you! Can I see him?" Sadie begs.

The nurse smiles sweetly and shows her to Gunnar's room. When she walks in she sees Sargent Dawson in his room and explains what happened. Sadie feels a flood of relief seeing how kind the first responders have been with Gunnar. They have watched him grow and have been amazing to her and Gunnar since Will died.

"Mom! I am sorry about the car! I know it was the last of dad's things," Gunnar says.

"No! don't be sorry! It's a materialistic thing and you are my son. You are so much more important, I am so glad you are ok!" Sadie says. "How is Victoria?"

"Victoria is ok. She and her parents left not too long ago." Gunnar says.

"Good, I am so glad. When all this calms down we will have them over for dinner, what do you say?" Sadie states.

"Yeah, I'd really like that," Gunnar responds.

Sadie nods her head and goes to sit down before she can make it to the chair, Gunnar speaks up again. "Mom, I am a bit hungry. Can.." Gunnar says.

"Food, I am on it big man. I'll be back in a bit." Sadie sweetly says.

As she leaves the room, and the door closes behind her, she falls to the ground allowing relief to overcome her. He is ok. As she looks up she sees Ben running down the hall to her.

"Hey! Is he ok? What's going on?" Ben says panicking seeing her on the floor.

"He's fine! Thank god! The car hit his side of the vehicle. Couple of broken ribs and a broken arm. He is ok all in all. He's asking for food, imagine that, huh?" Sadie says. "Big boy has to eat."

"Oh thank god. Let's get him his food," Ben says with relief.

Ben helps Sadie stand and they make their way to the cafeteria. Ben is on his phone texting someone but Sadie just ignores it. They stand next to each other in line at the cafeteria, when Sadie hears it. The voice of nails on the chalkboard. This "friend" who took the man she loved and made her believe he never loved her. She stole a huge piece of her life, then proceeded to throw it in her face for years.

Hell No!

"Sadie! I am so happy to hear Gunnar is Ok! We were so worried about it..." Brittany starts to say. Before she can finish, Sadie had already balled her fist. She punches Brittany in her face as hard as she can, and she watches Brittany fall back. Blood is pouring from her nose and her eyes are tearing up. The blood-curdling scream that comes from her mouth gives Sadie such satisfaction. When Brittany finally looks up she makes eye contact with an angered Sadie.

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