Chapter Sixteen

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As they get home and unload the tree, Everett and Hudson start to pull all the new Christmas tree decorations out. Ben let the kids pick out everything but his only request was to keep it manly. He does have a reputation to hold. This Christmas is the first he will spend without the kids. To save fighting with Brittany he reluctantly allowed her to have Christmas Day with them.

"Do we really have to spend Christmas with Mom?" Hudson asks.

"Yeah I want to stay here," Everett adds.

"Sorry guys, It's just how we agreed. I get you Christmas Eve afternoon and then you will go to your mom's Christmas Eve night and spend Christmas with her." Ben says. "I wish it was different, but next year I guarantee you guys will be here.

"You know we have to go to her Christmas Party and Christmas morning she hired a photographer to take pictures. We are a happy family right." Hudson says.

"She hired someone to take pictures?" Ben asks.

"Yeah, remember she did that a few years ago." Says Everett.

"I told her not to do that again, it was awkward!" Ben says a bit too loud.

"Well, now she started again. Man, it is going to suck," Hudson states.

"I am so sorry guys," Ben continues. "Well let's make the best of the time we have together. I have been so absent and I want to change that. Any traditional things you want to do or try then let's try them."

"I'd like that dad," says Hudson.

"Me too!" Everett says.

"Well, We will need to get more ornaments later, but this is a great start," Ben says admiring their tree.

Just as he stands there looking at the tree, his work phone rings.

"Sgt Olsen," Ben says.

"Ben, This is Investigator Kilroy," He says.

"Yes sir, what can I do for you?" Ben asks.

"Just following up to see how you and the family are doing." He says.

"We are good, kids are great. Hudson is trying out for the travel baseball team and Everett is taking photography classes," Ben says. "Now, why is it that you really called."

Ben can hear him sigh into the phone. "Cop to cop, how much do you know about Brittany and Justin's relationship?" he asks.

"Only that they started to see each other maybe four years ago and that he is a Realtor as well." Ben states. "My son said something about rebranding stuff and they are in business together. To be honest, the only communication I will have with her is about the kids, nothing else."

"Ok," Sgt Kilroy says. "I am expecting results back next week for the fire and hopefully we can have some clarity about this awful situation.

"Is there anything I need to be worried about?" Asks Ben.

"As far as Brittany there is no reason to think otherwise. We are still following up on a few interviews about Justin. He is rather an odd duck, don't you think?" He says.

"That is putting it nicely," Ben responds.

Inv. Kilroy laughs "Yeah I know. Well, I will let you get back and I will talk to you again in the next few weeks."

"Thanks for checking in, talk to you soon," Ben says and hangs up the phone. He can't help but feel this knot in his stomach from their conversation.

Today was absolutely amazing. Sadie replays the moments with Ben over and over in her head. The way he looked at her, when he held her hand, the cheesy picture for Everett. He made her laugh again. The tree is up and Gunnar is on the phone with Victoria talking about the camping trip. She is glad he is so excited, it has been so long since he had something good going on in his life. As Sadie lays on the floor looking up at the tree she is falling in love with this holiday. It seems so full of love. Next year will be her year, and for the first time, she wants to make an actual life for her. A life for her and with Ben. As she is laying there admiring their work Summer and Charlie walk in.

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