Chapter Eighteen

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Ben replays the drunk calls over and over in his head. By far the most adorable thing, it was the first time he thinks he's ever heard his love be completely relaxed and open about everything. She doesn't say much but when she does it moves mountains. Powerful woman and she doesn't even know.

Hudson got the call early Tuesday morning that he made the team and spent most of the day texting Gunnar and his new teammates. They were planning on going out to dinner to celebrate but Sadie and Gunnar insisted on doing a BBQ. Even invited Brittany and the Goober. Brittany is supposed to be bringing wine which makes Ben smile thinking of Sadie and her awful singing voice. He's picked up a few sides from the store. Kids have told him that his cooking could possibly make someone sick. He thinks they are over exaggerating. As they arrive at Sadie's house there are baseball decorations and balloons all around.

"Hey, Guys! Come on in! Soda and Tea are in the cooler. Food should be done soon." Sadie says.

"Thanks for having us!" Hudson says.

"I'm starving!" Everett says.

"Gunner is in his room on the Xbox or game thing. Why don't you kids go see if you can beat him at whatever game he's playing," Sadie says.

"On it!" Everett says running.

"Done!" Hudson follows.

"Hey darling, thank you for this!" Ben says leaning down and giving her a kiss to her cheek. He sniffs the air and his mouth salivates at the smell coming from the kitchen.

"Absolutely! It's an amazing opportunity to play," Sadie says. "Where are Brittany and Justin?"

"They are on their way. Running a few minutes behind schedule," Ben says. "Do you need help with anything?"

"Actually will you help set the table? I'll pull the food out, that way it will be ready by the time they get here."

Ben nods and gives her a quick kiss and heads to the kitchen. As he sets the table his phone rings and it's Investigator Kilroy.

"Hey Sgt Olsen, do you have a moment to talk," Kilroy asks.

"Yeah give me a minute," Ben says.

He covers the phone and turns to Sadie.

"Baby, I need to take this call.." He says.

"You can take it in my room or the garage, your preference," She says

"I'll take it in your room," He says smiling and winking at her. Sadie blushes and focuses on the food. Ben walks into her room and takes a seat in her reading chair by the window. One of her favorite places.

"Sorry about that. I am alone, what's going on?" Ben asks.

"Well, we have an update with our investigation and need you to clarify some things," Kilroy says.

Ben sits and listens to Kilroy explains things that baffle him. Ben has to stabilize himself with the news that he is hearing.

Sadie is putting the food on the table and getting the kid's stuff ready to eat. The doorbell rings and she is dreading this part of the night. She's forcing herself to be good for the sake of the kids. As she opens the door she sees her former friend.

"Good afternoon Brittany, how are you? Where is Justin?" She asks

"Justin is on a business trip. Last-minute closing on an office complex up north," Brittany says.

"Wow, that is incredible. Congratulations," Sadie tries to say with excitement. Annoyance is probably what conveys.

"Thanks, huge commission. Where is ben?" Brittany asks.

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