Chapter Eleven

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Ben watches his love drive away, completely dumbfounded by what happened tonight. His mind is all over the place. What the hell just happened. When she was screaming all he could see was how broken she was. It was not in her voice but the look in her eyes. What happened? Things were so good. He turns to look at his apartment building and stands for a moment trying to take it all in. He grabs the food and heads to his apartment. When he enters the whole place has a different feeling.

"Brittany!" he says

"In the bedroom," she says.

When he walks into his bedroom, he is baffled by what he sees. There Brittany is laying in his bed in nothing but underwear and one of Sadie's T-shirts.

"Come lay down sweetie, It's been a long day," She says.

"What the actual fuck?" Ben responds.

This apartment is not that big and he is watching Brittany making her way over to him. The sweet scent of vanilla invades his senses causing him to close his eyes and bask in Sadie's scent. The next thing he feel's is Brittany's hands rubbing his chest and her whispering to him.

"Come to bend baby, let me take care of you," She says. "I know I can make you happy and we need to be there for this new bundle of joy we have coming."

Ben's eyes snap open to Brittany. What is she talking about?

"Wait, I am sorry. What did you just say?" He asks.

"Baby, I am pregnant. We are going to have another baby." She says with a nasty smile.

"UM. No." Ben says calmly.

"Yes," Brittany Responds.

"No, I mean literally, No." He firmly states.

"Ben! Yes, we are! We are still married and we've done things. I am pregnant with our child." Brittany says.

"I had a vasectomy eight years ago after I found out about the first affair. Well, the first one I knew about. Turns out, you'd open your legs to anyone really." Ben says confidently. "No way that is my kid. Honestly, if you are talking about the night we had your company party and got wasted. I wasn't wasted. You were and we never did anything."

"I.. But I.. I.." Brittany stutters. Caught in her own lie.

"You what? Thought you could trap me again? Like last time? Not happening. That right there is one of your conquests. Justin's and if not him then someone else." Ben says." And what did you say to Sadie to cause her to run out of here and end what we have!"

At this point, it's all hitting Ben like a train. Manipulation at its finest is standing right in front of him.

"Whatever lies you spewed out of your STD ridden mouth, that shit needs to stop! You and I are over! I will not stop the divorce papers, I want to be done with your nonsense for good! God, you are poison." Ben says angrily. "You and the kids stay here until you find a place. You have tainted this place enough!"

"Ben.." Brittany tries.

"No Brittany, It's done, we are done. The only communication we will ever have will be about the kids." Ben states.

With that Ben leaves his ruined piece of paradise he finally had. He gets in his truck and drives as fast as he can to Sadie's place wanting to get her back and explain everything. He is trying her cell and it is going straight to voicemail.

"Fuck!" He screams.

Then it hits him, and he calls the next person who would know if she is at home or not.

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