Chapter Twelve

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Sadie finds it hard to get through the rest of the week. She spends the entire time in bed, emotionally wrecked. Summer called Alice who told my supervisor that I came down with a bug and have been in bed sick all week. It's not entirely a lie.

It physically hurts to move. Sometimes the emotional pain hurts worse than the physical.

She spends the next couple of weeks avoiding Ben. He calls and text, but Sadie can't find the energy to respond. She cant let go of the feeling that he used her. She switches shifts with co-workers so she doesn't have o see Ben. She hears from other coworkers that he is worse than before. He has grown a beard and looks like he has not slept at all.

As Thanksgiving approaches, Sadie decides to switch shifts with a co-worker so they can spend Thanksgiving with their little kids. Gunnar will be at Victoria's and Sadie didn't want to be alone. As she walks into work and gets settled for the evening, in walks Ben. They were no lying, he does look rough. Still handsome but definitely rough. Sadie knows she is looking a bit rough too. She can barely eat and if she is not at work she is home with either Gunnar or Summer.

Tonight she is alone in dispatch and seeing Ben only makes her regret the decision.

"Good Evening Sargent Olsen," She says timidly.

He just hands her the sector sheet and walks right back out. She wants to cry but she can't, not at work.

The night goes on pretty slow and she is in the middle of reading her book when she gets a message on the internal message system.

"Did you eat Thanksgiving dinner?" Ben messages.

"Gunnar and I shared nachos before work." She replies. "Victoria and her family are doing the traditional dinner, he is here now.

"Wonder if they have cranberry sauce?" Ben messages.

"Curious question," Sadie says.

"Think about it, no one really eats it, but everyone has to have it." He says.

Sadie laughs at this curious question and comments. She hasn't laughed since before the night of the fire. She forgets how good it feels, and immediately after is reminded of that night and how everything literally burned up.

"Accurate statement that is..." She responds.

She gets a call from Gunnar saying he and Victoria are outside to drop off a Thanksgiving platter for everyone. Sadie is proud that he has found someone who can handle him, his schedule, and more so no be offended at how close they are. As she speaks to Gunnar the message dings but Sadie meets up with Gunnar, Victoria, and her parents. They bring the mass amount of food for her and the deputies as a thank you for the work hey did on the accident. They sit and talk a bit before they all leave for a movie.

Sadie waves to them as they leave and sends a mass message to all the duties giving them the heads up of food in the kitchen. When she looks at the message from Ben, her heart clenches in pain.

"I miss you," he states.

She can't respond. She misses him, all of him.

The next hour she finds all four deputies on shift have made their way to the office and are piling a plate of food. They all walk into dispatch and take a seat at a back table and start talking about everything. Sadie sits there in silence just listening to the guys talk. Sadie can feel Ben's eyes on her and when she looks over at him she can't tell what he is thinking.

"Did you get a plate of food? Would you like me to grab one for you?" Ben asks, breaking the silence.

"No thank you, I'll get some in a little while," Sadie says.

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