Chapter Twenty One

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The next morning Ben wakes up and feels like he is living in a dream. His beautiful woman, naked, wrapped up in his arms. He lays revealing at the moment. He can hear the kids outside talking and walking up to their tent.

"Hey Ben, can I take Hudson and Everett to Waffle House? We can bring back a breakfast platter for your guys if you want." Gunnar asks.

Ben smiles excitedly. He will take any alone time he can get with Sadie. He grabs his wallet from his pocket and grabs $100 and pokes his head out while handing Gunnar the money.

"Have fun, be safe and buckle up," Ben says.

"Yeah, yeah, thanks, Ben!" Gunnar says and they run to the truck.

Ben closes the tent and looks over at Sadie who is still sleeping and he can't help to stare at the beautiful sight. He waits until he hears the truck leave and goes to lay behind Sadie and pull her body close to his. As he nuzzles his face into the corner of her neck and he hears her moan. That is all it took, a gentle moan.

"Where are the kids?" Sadie asks, pushing her body closer to Ben.

"Went to get breakfast, they will bring us something back," Ben says, kissing her shoulder.

"So, we are alone?" Sadie asks.

Ben whispers into Sadie's ear, "Yes, baby you are all mine,"

Ben kisses along her shoulder and up her neck. Sadie reaches her hand behind her grabbing at Ben's erection gently rubbing him. Ben moans loudly and moves her face to his lips. Ben moves his hands down her body, worshiping her body as much as he can. As he runs his hands down her inner thigh he lifts her leg and positions himself between her legs. As her head falls back into his shoulder he thrust himself into her causing her to moan loudly. She grabs his hand that's around her body hard.

"Oh god, yes!" Sadie screams.

"Fuck yes... Sadie!" Ben moans.

"Right there, don't stop!" Sadie moans.

They are gripping at each other as they find their release. As they come down from their orgasms they hold each other a bit closer this morning. Ben rests his head on her back completely mind blown but the moment. He used to fantasize about a life with Sadie. What it would look like, what it would feel like, and then he would become angry. Angry at a life he never thought he had. This morning takes those fantasies and destroys anything he could ever have thought. Holy hell this woman is his fucking dream and she is his beautiful reality.

"Oh my god, Ben, that was amazing!" she says pulling him out of his thoughts.

"God, baby, you are perfect," Ben says kissing her back.

Sadie turns over facing Ben, "No, not perfect,"

"Perfect for me, I love you," He says.

"I love you too," Sadie responds. "I can't wait for the kids to get back. I am starving!"

"Me too! How about some campfire coffee while we wait," Ben asks.

"Perfect," Sadie says.

They clean up and get dressed making their way to the firepit and start a fire. Ben puts the coffee on the fire to percolate. They sit shoulder to shoulder looking at the lake. As the percolator starts to hum, Ben gets up and pours them a cup of coffee, handing Sadie her cup and sitting behind her, pulling her into him. They sit for a bit in each other's arms just sipping their coffee and staring off into the lake. After a while, the kids come back with bags of food.

Book 1 - Back of the ShadowsWhere stories live. Discover now