«1-the letter»

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«Makoto Naegi»

I prize open my door, staring down the corridor. Only shadows occupy the hallway, hauntingly dark without the lights on: even though the teacher's haven't addressed the serial killer rumours, they still have started leaving the lights off at night to deter midnight wandering. Wouldn't that just make it easier for the serial killer? I think grimly, looking from side to side to make sure nobody is waiting to pounce.
"Maybe I just imagined it." I mutter surreptitiously, closing the door silently. But surely, those were real footsteps...?
"Wait, what's this ?" I crouch down, picking up the paper by my door. It's a letter: crumpled, stained, reeking, and marked with a name- Byakuya Togami.
Since I arrived at Hope's Peak last Month, Byakuya has been the most distant to everyone: barely interacting unless calling someone stupid, going to school then heading straight to the library or his room afterwards, always looking haughty and cold. If someone has delivered a letter- I check the clock, reading 10:20- this late, it must be important. Especially the ultimate heir!
And it would be a chance to talk to him in private.
I'm just being a good classmate. I think, pulling on my jacket. It's 35 minutes after curfew, but with my luck, the teachers will be nowhere near this corridor; they don't call me ultimate lucky student for nothing.
Clutching the letter in my hand, I walk the two steps to Byakuya's door and knock quickly.

"What do you want." He prizes open the door, staring down at me. "Oh. Hello Makoto."
"Hi! Uhh, someone delivered this letter to me instead of you." I thrust him the letter, and he sneers at it, tearing it open impatiently. Pulling the letter out, he unfolds it and scans it quickly. Within seconds, his face pales and anxiety crosses his eyes.
"Ok." He rips it up and deposits it into the bin by his door. "You can go now." He drawls.
"Ok. Bye!" I start to leave.
"Oh wait! Thanks Makoto. See you tomorrow." He exclaims, and closes the door.

I walk back to my room, brows knitted together. What was in that letter that upset Byakuya so much? Is he in danger?
I hang up my jacket and climb into bed, still mulling over the events. I wonder who that letter was from...

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