«3-in the library»

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«Byakuya Togami»

I can't wait to see you asleep.
I try to focus on the book, the words wiggling up and down like demented snakes.
I love watching you.
The letter keeps swimming into my mind however hard I try.
I can't wait to cut you up with my scissors and make you bleed.
My hands shake and my head swims.
Soon, my love from Genocider Jack xxx
I remember the smear of blood on the paper, and almost retch. I need to find out who this stalker is, or I'll go crazy.
"Hey, Byakuya! Can I talk to you?" Makoto runs into the library, and is immediately shushed by the librarian.  He rushes over and sits at my table.
"What do you want?" I ask, squishing down the butterflies in my stomach.
"Uh..." Makoto awkwardly twirls his fingers, the finally responds. "I was wondering if you've heard of... Genocider Jack? The serial killer?"
How does he know?
I cross my arms "Yes, why?"
"Uhh..." he flushes bright red. "You know that letter... was that from the serial killer? I just, you know..."
"No." It comes out harsher than expected. I don't know what to say: anyone else I would yell at, but there's something about makoto... I don't love him or anything- if my father thought I was gay he'd exile me from the family- but I don't hate him.
"Well..." maybe he could help me. I don't need any help! But perhaps a new perspective would help.
"Don't say anything, but yes, it was." I whisper. Makoto goes pale as milk. "They're after me. I think I might be the next victim."
"I won't let them!" Makoto yells, then whispers awkwardly. "I can help!"
"Ok. Come to my room tonight."
"It's a date!" He chirps, then realising what he said blushes again.
I start packing up my things.
"What have you got next?" I ask.
"Oh, so have I." We walk together down to the changing rooms.
I hope with Makoto's help, we can find the killer. Before they find me...

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