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«Byakuya Togami»
I open my eyes, vision blurry. The room is white, pristine, with sharp corners and lines. Someone sits next to me. Is it my father? No... they're smaller, hunched over. Is it...
"Mother?" I ask, reaching out for my glasses.
"No, it's me, Makoto. I'm so glad you're awake!"
I slap my glasses on, finally looking around my surroundings.
"Where are we?" I ask, then realise my arm and shoulder is covered in tight bandages. "Oh. We're in a hospital, aren't we."
"Yeah. Can you... remember anything?" He questions softly.
"Uh..." I rack my brains, head aching. Images trickle in like raindrops, then-
"Ooh. I remember." I think of Toko and my blood boils. I couldn't defend myself. I was so useless...
"What time is it?" I ask, rubbing my head, feeling the bandages there as well.
"6:00 am. You've been out for about 9 hours."
"9:00 hours?!" I start trying to climb out of bed, my arm movements clunky.
"Wait! The doctors say you'll have to stay until tomorrow so they can monitor you're head injury." Makoto pushes me back into bed.
"Tomorrow? Can't I get up toda-" I stand up and my head whirls. I sit back down sheepishly. "I suppose it's for the best. Are you okay? How's kyoko and Celeste?"
He stands up and stretches. "They're fine. We're all fine. Don't worry." He reassures me. "Now-"
Click click click.
I hear footsteps outside, and sit up straight. I know those heavy steps, the click of expensive boots, the tap of the cane.
It's my father.

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