«4- attacked»

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«Byakuya Togami»
"Ok! Today we'll be doing cross country around the field!" The PE teacher yells excitedly, followed by the usual groans and an odd few cheers. Because of limited staff, we're taking PE with the class above us, who stand apart, talking between themselves. Through the crowd, I spot Nagito Komaeda's fluffy white hair and hear Chiaki Nanami's soft voice trying to encourage her classmates. They guided us around the school on our first day.
I survey the crowd, thinking about who will win: Nekomaru, perhaps Akane,Aoi or Sakura, who all have sport related talents. Nagito has a chance with his abnormal luck, but I don't think he can run very fast. I'll probably come around the first 15, because of my extremely long legs.
"Ok- three, two, one, GO!" Yells the teacher.
The crowd rushes forward, legs pounding the grass. Nekomaru and Sakura take the lead, powerful arms pumping, chests heaving. I gulp some air and continue, around until I reach the forest.
Scents of pine and leaves travel across the wind, and I relax into a steady stride.
"Ugh?" I slam into a tree, gasping. My vision blurs, and I frantically feel around for my glasses. Where are they-
"Oh master, I'm so sorry! I just needed-" someone leans over me, their voice wiggling and wavering as I swim in and out of consciousness. Keep it together!
I feel myself fall back, the forest mixing and merging into just colours. A weight falls on my shoulders, and I feel myself rising up.
"Byakuya! Wake up! Wake up!"
I peel open my eyes.
"Makoto?" I croak, hating how weak my voice sounds.
"Are you ok?" Naegi leans over me. I flush, livid at how weak I must look.
"I'm-" I haul myself up, wiping my hand fiercely across the back of my head. Blood smears across my hand. "-Fine."
The world looks blurry and messy, like a picture coloured in by a child. With no lines. And the only colours are green and blue and tan and brown.
"Have you seen my glasses?" I ask.
The blob that must be Makoto shakes it's head.
"No. Let's get you back." I stagger through the forest, trying to regain a normal walk.
"What even happened?" Asks Makoto.
"Someone pushes me into the tree. Then they said something about... needing my glasses?"
"Maybe it's..."
obsessive. Stalking. A need for my glasses. It could only be one person.
"The serial killer!"
"And it's one of us..."

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