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«Makoto Naegi»
I run into the hospital wing, buzzing to tell Byakuya what I found.
"Hey, do you know where Byakuya Togami is?" I ask a girl with dishevelled purple hair being braided by another girl with black hair threaded with pink and blue.
"Sorry, he's not here!" She squeaks.
"Yeah, he went back to his room!" Yells the other girl. "Mikan, I'm done!" Mikan feels up to feel her new hair, which is braided into 3 plaits threaded with blue.
"I love it!" I'm turn away from their conversation, rushing upstairs. The boys dorms are on the third floor, but even 2 staircases don't dampen my spirits.
"Byakuya!" I knock on his door. I hear a muffled cry inside, then stamping.
"Yes?" He rips the door open, blinking awkwardly without his glasses.
I flick open the glasses. "I found your glasses. Nagito Komeada had them."
Byakuya snatches then off me, scowling at them. I notice his eyes look red and puffy and his face is blotchy.
"Are you ok?" I ask softly.
He looks away. "I'm fine."
I wish he would open up to me. It pains me to look at his face, barricaded. Once we can expose this killer, he'll be happy. I just want to make him smile again.
"What should we do?" I ask.
"We should search his room."He responds.
"Have any more of your items gone missing?"
"Stuff like my school books, water bottle and my PE trainers." He muses. "Ok, let's get going."

«Byakuya Togami»
Silently, we creep into the room. Contrasting my to his messy hair, Nagito's room is organised and neat, smelling strongly of mint.
I adjust my glasses, and begin clawing through his closet: only school uniform, a longer green coat, and- a bag in the corner catches my eye. I tear it open- but it's only his trainers, not mine.
Suddenly, I hear footsteps outside.
"Makoto! There's-"
Naegi jolts up, knocking over a stack of books. What an idiot! They clatter to the floor, and the footsteps stop.
Then they speed up.
I freeze, eyes squeezed shut. I feel like a child again, waiting for-
Mrs Spitz thrusts open the door, growling at us.
"Togami! Naegi! What are you doing in here!" She bellows.
"Sorry miss, we were looking for the pencil Nagito borrowed from Makoto. He wasn't in so..." What a stupid excuse! I'm normally a somewhat good liar, but the accusatory glare reminds me of my father.
"You can go clean up the dishes after dinner. If I catch you too sneaking around again, I'll punish you more harshly." She glares pointedly at me. "I'd expect better from you, Togami."
If expect better from you. The words that always make my skin crawl.

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