«13-Nothing to him»

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«Makoto Naegi»
"So we've agreed it's not Not mondo, Hagakure, Sakura,Hifumi or Nekomaru because they can't creep around. So it's Aoi, Leon, Toko, Sayaka, Makoto, Mikan, Hiyoko, Ryoma or Ibuki."
"Me? Why am I on the list?" I exclaim.
"We can't rule you out. That wouldn't be a fair investigation." Celestia announces primly.
I look at Byakuya imploringly, but he looks away coldly.
"Ok, fine. Who do you think it is? Didn't we say it was someone who wears a skirt?" I add sourly.
"Could be a red herring." Kyoko muses. "But I personally suspect-"
"Kyoko? Kyoko, could you help me with something?" The headmaster calls from the adjacent room. Kyoko looks fuming, but rushes to the other room.
"I thinks it's Makoto." Chirps Celestia.
"What! Why would it-!" I yell, then see Celestia's smug face. "Ugh, stop joking around."
"Who do you think it is?" I ask Byakuya. He's been silent all day- is it stress from the serial killer? Maybe he just doesn't like me...
He looks up, his face blank.
"Aoi. I don't trust her." He answers finally.
Kyoko walks back into the room, scowling.
"Sorry, my dad says you guys have to leave."
She grumbles.
"Why?" Celestia asks.
"We need to talk about the ball." She groans. "I'm not goi-"
"Aww, Kyoko!" Moans Celestia. "We were going together though." She starts trying to persuade at Kyoko, and Kyoko gives us a clear look: leave if you want to keep your brain cells.

Byakuya and I walk to the dining room in silence. I take a deep breath, preparing to ask the question.
"Byakuya? Can I ask you something?"
He turns at looks down his nose at me. "What."
I shrink backwards. Why is he being so cold towards me? He's usually so nice...
"I was just wondering... um, if you wanted to come to the party with me? Like, um, uh."
His glare hardens, but something glitters behind his eyes. Is that... fear?
"No. Why would I want to go, especially with you, a common cockroach. You mean nothing to me."
My eyes widen. He gives a final glare, and storms upstairs, leaving me gasping for air. I mean... nothing to him? Hot tears begin to stream down my face, and I let out a choked sob. I'm nothing to him.

"Wow! You look great!" Sayaka exclaims, clapping. I twirl in the octopus costume, feeling like a toddler again.

 I twirl in the octopus costume, feeling like a toddler again

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(Makoto in his costume)
"You look so funny!" Giggles Aoi. She stands up in her mermaid costume, glittering with sequins. "We could be ocean twins!"
I laugh, but it's hollow- I wish I was going with Byakuya. He was lying, right? Or maybe I just don't know him...
"We'll meet in my room!" Exclaims Sayaka, twirling a strand of her turquoise Hatsune Miku wig in her fingers.
"Let's go! I can't wait." Laughs Leon, clad in black leather, dressed as a rockstar.
I smile weakly. Even the thought of the party is sour now.

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