«16-The Kiss and the Killer»

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I do be spamming chapters doe 😳
«Makoto Naegi»
In one swift motion, he leans forwards, and we kiss, passion bursting. I reach, hugging him, just wanting to be close to the first boy I've loved. It's like we're tied together by fate, this moment destined to be. The kiss spans decades, but when he pulls away it's like it has been only milliseconds.
"Makoto- I- I-"
"I love you too." He flushes scarlet.
I step back, noticing the blood seeping from his arm and shoulders.
"God- are you ok?" I gasp.
"Yes. No." He splutters. I pull out the scissors, and Byakuya falls to the floor, clenching his teeth, obviously trying not to cry.
"I'm going to get a teacher." I splutter, running to the stairs.
"No you're not!" Toko grabs my next, and my eyes bulge as I realise I might die-
"GET OF HIM!" Byakuya shoves Toko into the wall, fury radiating off every inch. "You came for me, not him. Don't touch him."
Toko grins like a Redditor near Keauna Reeves, practically pink.
"Oh, master, how sexy! Ugh, I'm so in love right now." She giggles fanatically. "UwU."
"Ew." Byakuya spits.
"Come here!" She leaps into him, slamming him into the wall. Blood splatters onto the wall, neon pink.
"Byakuya!" I rush forward, pulling Toko off. She turns on me, screeching like a feral cat.
"Let me be with master!" She shrieks.
"No!" Byakuya kicks her in the groin with his long legs, making her fall to the ground. "WHAT DID I SAY."
"Master!" She whimpers. She looks up with murder in her eyes. "I can't wait to skin you alive."
She goes in for the kill, scissors raised-
Kyoko slams into her.
"Kyoko?" I splutter.
"And me!" Celestia smiles, skirts swishing in an intricate vampire gown.
"You saved us!" I gasp.
I spin round, the headmaster and a herd of security guards clattering down the steps.
"What is going on here?"
And with that Byakuya collapses to the floor.

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