«10-Kyoko and Celestia»

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«Makoto Naegi»
I stir the cereal around the bowl, mulling over the events of yesterday as the cornflakes grow soggier and soggier, alone as Byakuya is off sick. I don't know where our relationship stands: are we friends? Or more? I think of asking to the Halloween party, and I almost blush- what is he rejected me? Things would be so awkward if that happened... if only I was ultimate romantic, or a proper talent.
"Hey Makoto!" Yawns Sayaka cheerfully, mug of coffee in hand, followed by Leon, Hiyoko, Mahiru, Mikan and  Ibuki.
"Oh hey!" I look up as they sit around the table.
"Heya loser. Have you heard bout that reserve course kid who got murdered?" Hiyoko blabs.
I choke on my cereal.
"Hiyoko! He got attacked, not murdered! By that serial killer." Mahiru adds.
"Is he ok?" I splutter. My mind races to Byakuya- is this good or bad news? A murderer choosing a new victim, or a mistaken identity?
Mikan looks up from her smoothie. "Uh, he cane to the hospital! Just some light lacerations-"
"Quit the fancy talk and talk English!" Hiyoko snorts, earning a frustrated look from Ibuki.
"Yeah,he was beat up pretty bad. There's a picture on the news!" Leon yawns, arm around Sayaka.
He fishes out his phone from his pocket, scrolling idly as I fizz with tension.
"Here it is!" He shoved through phone screen towards me.
A blonde teenager stares back at me, with almost identical glasses and hair as Byakuya. This wasn't a new victim. This was mistaken identity.

The last lesson I walk to alone. One thought repeats in my mind- we need to find this killer. And we need help.
Luckily (ha ha), I know someone we can call.

I settle into my seat, opening my English book and carefully tearing a page out. I scan the room- there she is, with her girlfriend, walking over. She flicks her lavender hair from her face as she sits down, Celestia immediately snuggling up to her.
"I want absolute silence today as we watch this programme on Macbeth." The English teacher announces primly.
She flicks the switch, and half the class becomes engrossed in the screen. The other half emits the distinct rustling of notes being passed around.
I pick up my pen, scribbling a note.
I need you're help. There's a serial killer stalking Byakuya.
I wince. I know byakuya will be annoyed at me, but he can't live in fear anymore. He can't get hurt.
Kyoko studies the note, and casually writes a response in thick cursive.
The serial killer Genocider Sho?
I scribble back.
Yes. We need help, please.
Celestia looks up from Kyoko's shoulder, reading the note. She looks nonplussed, like this happens all the time.
I can meet you at lunch. I know a lot about the case.
Thank god. Maybe we can survive.

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