«7-An arguement»

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«Makoto Naegi's perspective»
Byakuya slams down a plate, scowling. Guilt twists my stomach- how could I have been so stupid?
"Byakuya, I'm so sorry. This was all my fault. I-"
"Stop apologising! It's not a big deal, honestly." He interrupts, swiping a plate with the soaking towel.
"I know, I just-"
"Shut up, Makoto! God, you're giving me a headache!" He spits. I jump up, dropping the plate so it shatters into a million white shards. I lean down to pick it up to hide my reddening face, tears trickling onto the floor. I gasp as I slice my finger on a shard, blood mixing with tears and china chips.
Byakuya pushes me away, brushing it up with a dustpan and brush impatiently. His face is pale and screwed up. Why am I such a nuisance?
I take a shuddering breath, stupid crybaby tears staining my cheeks.
"Uh, boys! You can finish if you're going to carry on smashing plates like it's a party in here!" The cook bustles in, shooing us out. "Get out."
Trying not to cry, I rush out to my room, collapsing on my bed. He must hate me! I'm a stupid clumsy crybaby! I think of his face, pale and irritated, and curl into a ball. Just like that plate, I've shattered any chance of anything closer than acquaintanceship. I've ruined it.

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