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«Byakuya Togami»
"Get off me-" I splutter, but they slam me into the ground, again and again, until my eyes begin to blur and my father's voice shrieks in my ears: weak. Weak! WEAK!
"I'm not- Weak!" I shove up at my attacker with all my strength. They fly backwards, groaning.
Have I done it? Two months of letters, warning and I beat them just like-
"I'm guessing you'll be a bit harder than my other victims. What a shame." They rasp, ripping off their hood.
"Fukawa?" I gasp. They look like Toko, from the stinking ragged clothes to the putrid purple braids- but their eyes are crazed at their tongue stretches out like a taffy.
"Ding ding ding! Except I'm not her- you can call me Syo, and I wrote you all those lovely letters!"
"Y-you're her other personality?" I cringe. "That explains a lot."
"Ok, smarty pants. I- where are you going?"
I bolt for the stairs, driven by blind panic. I reach out- then I'm slammed into the wall.
"Don't try that again, pretty boy!" She snarls, scissors raised. In one swift motion, she plunged it down.
Into my shoulder.
"Agh!" I choke, stabbed into the wall. I wriggle and squirm, the blade digging deeper and deeper. "Why am I so weak?" I splutter, tears threatening to fall. Weak weak weak. Just like my father said. Just like everyone thinks. weak WEAK WEAK.
"You're not weak, master! I'm just powered by love for you. Ugh~" she nuzzles close to my chest like a stinky kitten.
"Get off me-" I choke. I slash out with my free arm and she catches and stabs into it with another pair of scissors.
"AGH!" I scream, the pain erupting like fire and magma.
"I'll stop if you beg like a puppy!" Syo giggles, blushing.
"Never-" I cough, blood trickling from my mouth.
"Fine." She raises another pair above her head, preparing to plunge down-
She crumples to the floor, and standing staring at me, holding a dictionary, is my saviour.
Makoto Naegi.

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