«11-I don't need help»

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«Makoto Naegi»
"What do you mean, you roped ANOTHER person into this?!" Byakuya snorts, sitting up in bed.
"This has gone to far, and I don't want you to get hurt!" I exclaim, holding my hand out for him. He moves away.
"We were fine by ourselves! I told you, I could handle it!" He fiddles with something under the covers, and I glimpse an envelope.
"What's that? Is it-"
"Leave it! It's nothing!" He barks, but My arm snaps  out and I grab it.
Red ink. Blood stains. Smeared writing, a dreadful smell.
"Why didn't you show me this?!" I cry, staring at the letter. He just looks away coldly.
"It's none of you're business, ok?" He snaps, snatching it back.
"I just want to help!" I yell, fists clenched. "That's why I asked Kyoko to help! Why won't you accept that!"
Byakuya looks away blankly. I bite back my words, shrivelling at the tension in the room.
After a century, I raise my voice again.
"We going to look around the school for clues, tomorrow. If you want to come." I mutter, getting ready to leave.
"Fine. But don't tell anyone else." He says sternly.
"What about the police-"
"The police? They're useless. Tell NOBODY." He shouts, and with that I leave.
«Byakuya Togami»
Kyoko Kirigiri scans the letters, holding them close to her expressionless face.
"When did you get the first one." She murmurs.
"7th of September." I answer.
"Have you received any... other things." She mutters.
"Yes." Makoto gasps. Celestia just giggles like she's watching a play. I pull one object from my pocket: a purple piece of fabric, bloody and reeking.
Kyoko snatches it from me, inspecting it, turning it over in her gloved hands.
"It's the same one found at the crime scene. A piece of a skirt- here, look at the beginning of pleats- we can assume it's a girl or someone who wears feminine clothes." She muses. She looks up at me. "We'll have to wait for more evidence."
"I'll tell you when I find more." I answer.
"See you later!" Chirps Makoto.

When I get back to my room, there's already a letter waiting for me.

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