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«Makoto Naegi»
"Makoto, have you heard someone else was killed last night?" I jump, disturbed from my daydreams by Sayaka. We sit next to each other in Science, with Leon Kuwata, Junko Enoshima and her sister, Mukuro Ikusaba.
"I thinks it's probably a copycat." Replies Leon, pouring a generous amount of salt into the beaker of water. "Like, there's usually longer gaps between Genocider Jack's murders. Two in a week? No way."
"Maybe he's speeding up." Junko yelps, lighting a Bunsen burner and watching the flames flicker.
"You think?" Sayaka whimpers. "I don't wanna get killed!"
"Only boys have been killed so far." Mutters Mukuro, switching the flames off. "So you're safe. And nobody would be able to get into hopes peak."
"That's the scary thing." Junko snorts. "It could be a student at this very school." She moans like a ghost, knocking over the Bunsen burner.
"I don't wanna talk about this anymore." Moans Sayaka. "Let's talk about the Halloween ball. It's going to be so cool!"
"The Halloween ball? What's that?" I ask.
"Oh, it's a hope's Peak tradition. Basically Halloween prom but you dress up! I'm going as a swan!" Sayaka yelps joyfully.
"I'm going as Michael Jackson!" Leon adds.
"I'll be a demon! With real fire!" Junko yells, pulling something out of her pocket.
"What about you, Mukuro?" Sayaka asks.
"I'm going to be Big Brother." She replies, get usual monotone voice sparking with passion. "From 1984 by George Orwell. Basically-"
"Um, newsflash- no one cares Mukuro!" Junko yells, pouring water into a test tube.
"Junko- do you really think the murderer is in this school?" I interrupt. I think of the letter I delivered last night. Could that be from the notorious Genocider?
"Yeah, totally. The murders are always after school hours, a scrap of this schools uniform was at the latest crime scene and they are all in places accessible to students." She lists off rapidly. "But Don't worry, they don't kill girls. Oh wait- you're a boy,lol! Have fun dying." With that, she throws the thing in her hand in an arch into the water.
It hits the water and explodes, showering ash, smoke, water and shards of glass everywhere.
"What the hell did you do?" Coughs Leon.
"Rubidium, honey!" She squeals, before coughing violently. "Pranked!"
"Miss Enoshima! Go to the school counsellor now!"
Flashing a nefarious grin, Junko runs from the room.
"Mr Togami, can you sort this out, please."
Rolling his eyes, Byakuya walks over  and starts    cleaning up. Leon and Mukuro begin to help, but my eyes and throat still burn.
"Here." A glass of water is shoved into my hand. "Drink this." Byakuya demands, then turns away. 
I gulp down the water, my breath returning to normal. Looking at him reminds me of the letter. If it is from the Genocider, he's in trouble. I need to talk to Byakuya, I think. He could be in danger.

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