«18- I love you»

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«Byakuya Togami»
He stands by the entrance of the room, lip curled. Instinctively, I shrink back, and I feel Makoto tense next to me.
"You do know it took me 2 hours to get here? What a waste of time." He sneers.
I look down at my hands. Why did he have to be here? I think, hands twisting.
"Don't you care about your son?"
I twist round. Makoto is stood, up glaring at my father. Fury is etched in every inch of his face. "If you're just going to complain, leave!" He adds lividly.
My father raises his cane, and I try not to flinch.
"Don't tell me what to do." He mutters, stepping towards Makoto.
Makoto stares him down.
"Leave. Nobody wants you here." He growls.
Both of them glare at each other, like lions.
"Do you know who I am, boy?" He sneers. "You do not want to annoy me."
Makoto doesn't move. Finally, after years and years, the tableau disperses.
My father steps down, racked with fury.
"Fine. I'm leaving." He whisks out of the door, leaving a frozen atmosphere.

«Makoto Naegi»
I stare after Mr Togami, my heart rate returning to normal, the fire in my veins dispersing. His piggish face swims in my mind- isn't it funny, how the people I like the most and hate the most are related.
"I can't believe you just did that." Snaps Byakuya.
"Why? He was so mean to you." I stutter.
Byakuya looks down. "I'm used to it. And he's right- it's my fault he had to waste his time driving out here." He grumbles.
"Byakuya." I sit down beside him, staring into his icy blue eyes. "How is it your fault? You haven't done anything wrong, and if your dad can't see that, it's his own fault."
He looks up at me. "It is my fault. I can't believe I'm so weak I ended up in this stupid hospital-"
"You're not weak!" I cling onto his hand. "You're so, so strong. You were being stalked my a serial killer and you didn't even let that bother you! You're the strongest person I know." I add, blushing.
"Thanks. I mean it." Byakuya smiles. We lean towards each other and share a kiss.
"I love you." I whisper when we pull apart.
He looks up at me. "I love you too."

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