«20- Our secret»

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«Byakuya Togami»
I stare out of the window, watching the rain hammer down onto Hope's peak high school. Outside, Students crouch under flimsy umbrellas in the courtyard, scuttling from class to class ,like beetles from this height.
"The weather's been terrible recently." Grumbles Celestia, sipping her tea. "It's been raining since Tuesday."
"It is November now." Makoto chips in. "That means 49 days until Christmas!"
"So you're one of those people who loves Christmas." I laugh. "I never really liked it. It's overrated, in my opinion."
Makoto stares up at me with puppy dog eyes.
"Really? It's like the best holiday!" He moans.
"I agree with Togami. Well, at least the casino's are open." Celestia smiles.
"Christmas was never fun at my house." I add. Most days it ends with the smell of ridiculously luxurious alcohol everywhere and the expensive food rotting in the open untouched.
"That's it. You're all spending Christmas at my house." Makoto decided, sipping his hot chocolate. "I'll show you how good it is!"
The conversation hits a standstill. Makoto winks at me.
"Guys. We need to tell you something." Makoto begins.
"We know." Interrupts Celeste. "You're dating. It's obvious."
"It's that obvious?" Splutters Makoto.
Kyoko nods. "I am the ultimate detective."
"You won't tell anyone, will you." I spit through gritted teeth.
"I won't." Kyoko adds.
We all look at Celestia. She could a lock of her inky black hair around her finger.
"It's fine. I won't tell anyone."
I look out of the window again as the thunder booms. I hope I can trust them...

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