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«Byakuya Togami»
I tear open the letter, pulling out the contents: a crumpled piece of paper and something wrapped in brown paper. I peel it open- a pair of scissors, branded with the hopes peak logo and covered in blood.
"Oh god-" I drop them quickly, wiping the blood off my hands. They glint at me like eyes.
Carefully, I place them in the drawer by my desk, with everything else that's important.
Reluctantly, I pull open the letter.
Oh master, my body aches for you. Friday, my love, we will be together. Friday, oh, will it come sooner? Your blood and mine, together, forever. Then I'll make you an angel, I swear. Just me and you. You and me.

I'm about to rip it up, then stop. It's important evidence I think, folding it up.
One line sticks with me- Friday... the Halloween ball. Not that I'm going... unless makoto asks me.
I sit down, head in hands. Why did I think that? What is it about that common cockroach I like? I need to focus on catching this crazy stalker, and a crush isn't going to help. At all.

«Makoto Naegi»
Byakuya slams the scissors down on the table, almost knocking over the jug of water.
"These were delivered to my room yesterday."
He announces.
Kyoko looks up from scribbling in a notebook. We're in her room for lunch, which only year 5 students can do, but as her dad is headmaster she gets special treatment.
""Was a note included? Another letter?" She murmurs, picking up the scissors.
He blinks. "No."
"Ok." She brings them closer to her face. "These are hopes peak scissors. We can look around the school to see which ones are missing."
"They look like the ones in the Textiles rooms." I suggest.
"Ok. Let's go." Kyoko leaps up, looking more exited than her usual blank face. "We're getting closer."
"I haven't finished lunch!" Exclaims Celestia, but her girlfriend just pulls her up.

A few minutes later we stand in the textiles room, rifling through cupboards.
"There's a pair missing here..." I trace my fingers over the place where the largest, sharpest pair of scissors used to stand, high on the shelf, reserved for the teacher. Scissors that were rumoured to be able to cut off heads...
"No, they were much smaller." Adds Byakuya, walking over. He pulls them out from his pocket- they're only 10 cm tall, like paper scissors.
"I guess we could try the maths department."

"A perfect match."
Kyoko holds the scissors up to compare with the ones in the maths department.
"We just need to know which class was here when they went missing."
We walk over to the maths teacher, who looks up at us strangely, and I realise how odd we look together: Celestia, is a gothic dress covered in roses, Kyoko, in the uniform that only a few people wear, me, in my hoodie and Byakuya in a suit, way taller than all of us (25 cm taller than me!).
"We found these scissors." Kyoko explains, holding them out.
"Finally! They've been missing for a while !" She exclaims, snatching them.
"When did they go missing?" Celestia asks.
"Last lesson yesterday." She says.
"So, 2B, right?" Kyoko muses.
We thank the teacher, and start walking to next lesson.
"2B... thats my class! It's me , Aoi, Sakura, Toko, Hifumi, Sayaka, Hagakure, Leon and Mondo." I yelp. "So it's one of those people."
"Oh no!" Byakuya slaps his forehead. "It's history on the other side of the school."
"Quick! Let's go." We start running down the corridor. We're so close to finding the killer...

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