«5-questions and answers...»

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«Makoto Naegi»
"Naegi! Focus, please!"
I jolt up, staring at the art teacher looming over me. Irritated, she stares down at the painting we've been working on for the last 15 minutes- my canvas is completely bare. "Hurry up or I'll give yo detention, young man!" She growl, and storms of to help Chihiro reach the paintbrushes.
I try to focus on my work, but my mind keeps wandering: from the i incident from the forest, to the serial killer, but as always eventually landing on just Byakuya. Why do I keep thinking about him? Maybe I'm bisexual I muse, drawing wiggly abstract lines on the page. But what if Byakuya doesn't like me? I shiver. I've never felt so... fuzzy around someone. Maybe I am in love?

Finally the lesson ends and school ends for the weekend. I rush out of the classroom excitedly, running to the nurse's office, not looking where I'm going until-
"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" I leap up and help the person I knocked into up.
"Thank you. You're Naegi, right?" They brush their puffy white hair out from their face, and I realise it's Nagito Komeada.
"Yeah. I'm so sorry. Are you hurt?" I ask anxiously.
He appears to have not heard me, and looks philosophically into the distance.
"Funny, how the two ultimate lucky students run into each other. Lady Luck must have a plan for today..." he murmurs, pallid green eyes glittering like clovers.
"It was my fault- I wasn't looking where I was going..." I trail off, looking at something in Nagito's pocket. A pair of angular glasses, with white rims. A pair I've seen before.
Byakuya's glasses

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