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«Byakuya Togami»
"Byakuya, what happened?" He leaps up from his desk, helping me sit on the bed.
I try to choke out a coherent sentence, but nothing comes; it's like my voice has dissolved, nothing will bring it back.
"Wait here, I'll get a teacher-"
"NO!" I shout, voice croaky and strained. Makoto flinches. "I'm sorry, I just... I..."
"Don't worry. Here, have some water." He pushes the cup into my hands, and I drink it in one gulp.
"I'm sorry." I mutter, wiping my face on my sleeve.
"It's fine. It's what friends." He pauses. "Are for. Are you ready to tell me what happened? Was it the serial killer?"
"No. I think I'm sick. I mean, I was sick." I mumble, embarrassed. I must look so weak right now.
"Oh, ok. It's fine, we can clear it up  then-"
"No-" I think of the the dreadful letter staining the floor. "Can I just stay with you?"
"Uh ok. You can have the bed. I'll sleep on the sofa."
I can't even be bothered to argue, i just crawl under the covers. Something pokes me in the back;
"What is this?" I pull out a very tattered penguin teddy from under the covers.
Makoto blushes.
"I've had that since I was a little kid!" He mutters, focusing intently on the blanket.
"Ew, it's stinks!" I laugh weakly. I chuck it over to him and it bonks him on the head.
"Ouch!" He giggles, but then his face changes.
"I think there's someone outside." He whispers.
I crawl under the covers, heart pounding. Makoto leaps to switch off the lights as footsteps pause outside the door.
"If anyone's awake I suggest you go to sleep now." Announces the grave voice of the headmaster outside. I flush- what if we get caught? But the footsteps fade away.
"Night then." Makoto whispers.
"Goodnight." I close my eyes and instantly fall asleep.

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