«19- Kissing under the willow tree»

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«Makoto Naegi»
The following Monday, everything returns to normal, like nothing bad happened. Except Toko is absent and we're all being treated like heroes.
Despite the headmaster's futile attempts to cover everything up, the rumours spread like wildfire: in less than an hour everybody in the school knows exactly what happened. Well, except one thing.
I jog through the throng of students in the corridor, trying not to make eye contact with hoards I'd students staring intently at me, whispering frantically behind their hands, some even pointing at me and snapping photos like I'm a celebrity.
Finally, I tiptoe into English class, earning a glare from the teacher and a harsh comment about my timing.
I slide into my seat.
"I can't believe you're late again!" Hisses Byakuya. I blush.
"Sorry, I got distracted. Is it still-"
"Yes, it's still on. Keep quiet!" He whispers, resuming his tidy cursive essay.
I scramble for my book and start scribbling frantically. It's an essay about how the author uses metaphors to convey feeling of love in the text. With my own heart "fluttering like a bird's gentle wing" all the time, as the author may say, words flow from my pen quick enough.
After 3 paragraphs worth of writing, the class is dismissed.
Byakuya winks at me, and I try to wink back but my face just scrunches up strangely. Byakuya snorts, before being swallowed by the crowd of students bustling to lunch.
Head down, I hurry outside. The November air sinks it's teeth into me, but the slick air cools my blushing face. I skirt around the lake as rain begins to froth the surface, ducking under the fronds of the willow tree.
"Hi." I whisper, ducking to sit next to the crouched figure.
"Hello." Byakuya murmurs, and I reach out to hold his hand. I nestle into his chest, feeling his heartbeat speed up. He rests his head on mine, caressing my hair. Soon enough, I reach out for his face, pulling him closer, closer, until we kiss. Inhibitions melt away as I grasp his shoulders, only thinking of passion, the outside world melted away, just me and him under the willow tree.
Byakuya pulls away, grasping my shoulders, his eyes intensely blue.
"You can't tell anyone about this. Nobody can know." He orders.
"Ok. I promise." I mutter, leaning in for another kiss. He stops me.
"No, Makoto , this is serious. If anyone finds out I will never talk to you again. I'll never be able to see you. Promise me." He hisses, fear eroding his icy eyes.
"I promise." I gulp. I... I couldn't deal with not seeing Byakuya again. "I won't tell anyone."
"Fine." He mutters. I snuggle into him again, but it's like the ice from his eyes has spread to his body, freezing his motions. But, after a few minutes, everything is back to normal. I wish I could stay here forever...

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