«14-Blood trail»

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«Time skip to the next night»
Music blares from the speakers, a mix of modern pop, corny Halloween songs and the odd creepy vocaloid song that Sayaka jives along to.
"Hey guys! You're costume is so good Chihiro!" Sayaka squeals. Chihiro beams in his robot costume, standing with Ishimaru and Mondo by the food table.
"Thank you!" He smiles
"Took 10 rolls of tin foil but we got there eventually." Mondo laughs.
I laugh along, but it sounds hollow. I wish I was with Byakuya... why can't  I stop thinking about him? He said I'm nothing to him...
"Makoto! Makoto? Come on! Stupid horse is on, let's go dance!" Squeals Aoi, pulling me and Sakura onto the dance floor.
The song pumps from the speakers, louder and louder.
🎶Stupid horse I just fell out of the Porsche🎶
"Ugh..." white noise rings in my ears. "I need to get a drink, I'll be back in a bit." I blurt, tearing out from the crowd. I stagger over to the table, and-
"Ow! Sorry!" I open my eyes. Nagito Komeada peers down at me, laughing.
"Well well well, Makoto. We meet again!" He pulls me up.
"I'm so sorry!" I splutter.
"It's fine. Oh-" he picks up one of my tentacles that has torn off. "Looks like you're a septapus now." He laughs.
"Oh no! I'll just go up to my room and get a safety pin." He passes it to me. I turn to leave, but feel a hand on my shoulder.
"Good luck, Makoto. I feel like you need it tonight." He whispers, and like a ghost he's gone.

A few minutes later, I pause outside of my door. More accurately, Byakuya's door. I'm going to regret this.
I knock on his door, mind blanking.
I wait for a bit longer, teeth clenched. Is he that annoyed? I knock again- and the door creaks open to an empty room.
"Byakuya?" I whisper.
My thoughts start to race, faster and faster. I sprint into the hallway, and trip on my octopus costume, face planting into something sticky. Sticky and hot. I put my hand to my face- blood.
Blood, dripping in a trail down the stairs that are taped off. Stairs to the basement.
Byakuya's blood?
I start running.

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