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Uhh heads up this chapter is pretty dark. It's basically flashbacks to Byakuya's childhood so it includes mental/physical abuse and self hatred so if you're sensitive to those subjects please skip!

«Byakuya Togami's perspective»
I slump onto my bed, head pounding. My hands feel sweaty and shivery as I peel the letter off the floor. I check the handwriting and shiver- it's from the father, of course. I tear it open.
Company stocks have reduced by 1.26 this week. I hope you feel satisfied that you're tearing this company down by prancing off to that stupid school when you should be here. Why haven't you sent that paperwork back yet, who worthless piece of trash? It shocks me how you beat all your siblings. What a waste of potential! Why must I hand the company over to you, the most insolent, stupid person I know? Tradition, I suppose. Although I'm sure every single one of you're ancestors would agree with me against giving the company to a revolting, vile, fat creature as you. Get that to me by Monday or I'll storm up to that school and beat you myself for blatant laziness.
I tear the letter into shreds, throwing to the ground and stamping on it. I wipe my hand across my face to stop the pathetic tears from flowing down my face. Is that all I ask to my father? A waste of potential? A vile, fat creature? Stupid and lazy? Maybe he's right.
I crumple onto my bed, sobbing. The memories beginning to claw grow stronger, stronger, until they overwhelm me. I scream, but no sound escapes.
"Oh god, it hurts, it hurts!" My older sister writhes on the ground, clutching her stomach. I squeeze my eyes shut as I hear the cane crack again and i pray the tears stay in my eyes.
"This is a warning to all of you! Don't disrespect me again!" My father yells giving her one final kick. She crumples up, sobbing.

I stare at the ink blotch spreading across the page, staining the neat lines of figures.
"You." He can't even bother to say my name. "What have you done."
"I'm so-"
Pain slashes across my cheek, and blood begins to trickle. My father wipes blood off the knife, glaring at me.
"DON'T APOLOGISE. You need to learn to not make mistakes. Ever!" The cane flies fast as wind through the air, slamming me onto the floor.

The final competition. I grip the knife in my hands, trembling. If I mess this up, I'll have no future. No family. No life.
The aim isn't to kill. You just have to injure each other enough to show a clear winner.
BANG. I'm slammed to the floor, and my oldest brother looms over me, holding a chainsaw.
"Say goodbye to your legs." He snarls.
The blade shots into life, but I leap up just in time. I grab a crowbar on the floor, bringing it down again and again and again and again and again, not daring to open my eyes. My brother lies not the floor, his head a mangled mess, limbs spazzing out. He falls flat, and music explodes. I've won. I've won. I've won.

My breath comes in rapid gulps, gagging until I finally vomit onto the floor. My headache pounds more than ever, like a drum in my head.
I stagger to my feet, stumbling to the door. I don't know where I'm going, but eventually I fall into Makoto Naegi's room.

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