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[disclaimer there is some homophobic slurs]

It was morning yet again, but this time I woke up next to an angel a god if I do say so myself. I tried to get up but his whole arm was around me so I couldn't move. I looked at his beautiful face. The mole under his eye. It made him so much more attractive then he already is.

His lips that kissed me last night. I ran my finger over them. He slightly moved. I proceeded to run my fingers through his soft lushes hair. No wonder they call him pretty boy. I can't believe I'm actually dating this guy. I thought to myself.

I turned around but then heard a low sexy morning voice.

"Good morning Minnie..." he said as he started to wrap his arms around me again, but tighter. I giggled.

"Good morning jinnie" i said as I turned around to face him. We both just continued to look into each other's eyes-

"GOOD MORNING KID-" my mother stopped talking. We quickly pushed away from each other. Both of us clearly blushing. "oh my i didn't interrupt anything did I." My mom said as a smirk appeared on her face. Oh my god. I'm going to kill myself....

"Alright you don't have to tell me but breakfast is on the table I'm heading out for work." She giggled her way out of my room but before she closed the door she just had to comment

"You can continue what you were doing don't mind me" she closed the door before I could throw a pillow at her. I dug my face into it instead. Hyunjin just pet the top of my head.

"Let's get ready ok Minnie" he said as he started to get out of bed.

"Wait jinnie..." I grabbed his hand "can I have a good morning kiss" I looked down and cover my face. He put his hand under my chin and lifted it up.

"Did you actually think I liked you" he said sounding very coldly.

"I- wait what... hyunjin..." I started off I felt tears coming up my eyes.

"BECAUSE I LOVE YOUUUU!!!" I just want to squeeze those little cheeks of yours and hug you til you suffocate. Of course I'll give you your morning kiss any day." He said as he realized I would start crying any moment. "Sorry didn't mean to scare you like that." He rubbed the tip of his nose against mine. " I wove you so much Minnie" he added as he pressed his lips against mine.

"You jerk..." I puffed my cheeks and lightly hit him. I gave him a little peck again. "Ok now we can get ready for school"

We left the house around 8:30 which meant we were probably going to be late since school started at 9. We started to run and barely made it. He was about to hold my hand when all the girls started to run up to him.

"Omg hyunjin did you hear the news?!" They explained and then looked at me. "Eww what is this fagot doing here. Don't get contaminated by him." She came up to me and pushed me. Hyunjins eyes widen.

"Minnie..." he slowly said but was being pushed away by his fangirls.

"Nasty ass bitch" she spit on me "leave him  alone fagot! He doesn't need you" she stormed off.

"Jinnie..." I could feel tears forming in my eyes.

"Hey" a low tone in voice called out to me. My heart sank. I know this voice and it's someone I didn't want to see nor hear. Chanyeol. "Now now Jinnie what is this shit. You actually think he likes someone like you." He cupped my face really harshly. "You're an asshole who left me and of course a horny piece of shit." Chanyeol stated.

I couldn't move everything from back then started to come back. The fact that nobody was outside and the fact that I couldn't move Made things worse. I'm shaking and I couldn't breathe. I was about to pass out but he smacked me.

"No no you don't get to black out on me" he smirked. "You're staying here with me until your little so called boyfriend steps his ass down here or else you'll be getting it tonight."

"C-chanyeol what do you w-want..." I trembled as I spoke.

"I want you to come back home with me. You know to the highschool you used to be at. The place you ruled under your hand being the best gangster in town right. That's what I like about you" he said a hand traveling down my shirt. "But look at you, your dressed like some nerd. It's ugly as fuck." He grabbed on to my shirt and pulled it causing it to break.

"AH STOP chanyeol" i screamed. Someone moved. I heard it. "PLEASE HELP-" my mouth got covered.

"Shut the fuck up Seungmin. Nobodies coming to get you."  Until a teacher popped out.

"Omg what are you doing to our student council president get off him!!" The teacher yelled. She came to my side and she tried to pull me up but my legs felt like jelly and I couldn't get up.

"Tsk you're lucky this time you asshole" he spit near my shoe. "Stupid old hag" he glared at her and started to walk away.

"Seungmin are you ok??" She asked me but I couldn't talk my mouth was to dry to be able to speak.

"Come on let's go get you some water." She said helping me get up.

When we entered to the building I could see why the girls were mad at me. It seems somebody was trailing us the day of our date, and hung pictures all over the school. Over my face the word fagot was all over it. My stomach twisted and I felt like throwing up. I gagged.

I saw hyunjin walking out of the bathroom with a different pair of clothes. He looked to his side and saw me. His eyes widen. I couldn't take it anymore I throw up. He ran up to me.

"What happened with him? What's wrong does he not feel good?" He started asking all these questions.

"Oh my god hyunjin what happened to your face??" the teacher that was carrying me asked concerned.

"It's ok ma'am let me take seungmin to the nurses office he's my first priority" he carried me princess style and at that moment I finally black out.

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