My universe

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"Hey" he awkwardly waved towards me. Ugh really did he have to ruin my day.

"Hey...." I paused. "What do you want??"

"Uh I want you..." he slightly blushed as he said that. My heart skipped a beat. My face felt a sudden rush of heat come onto it remembering that I still had the markings from the other day.

"W-what the literally fuck hyunjin..?!" Was all I managed to get out. I started to walk towards my locker and like a small little chick he followed right behind me. I started to open my locker up and his eyes were still on me. I saw Chris and Jeongin walk in talking to each other slight redness on their faces. Chris walked up to me and again just pure eyes on me at all times.

"Hey!!" He said as he turned to look towards my side. "Hey hyunjin..." he seemed awkward for a bit, but continued to talk to me. "Anyways Jeongin and I were planning on have a small sleepover I was wondering if you'd like to come??" Jeongin peaked his small head from behind Chris.

"Yeah come hyung it'll be so much fun!! Plus you can invite your friends what were theyre names... Felix,jisung, and Minho...right??" I nodded

"I'll see if I can go Chris you have my phone number already so just text me the information." I smiled at his. I reached over and patted Jeongin in the head. "You're so cute Jeongin I giggled.

"I get that a lot you're not special hyung." I blushed as he giggled.

"SHUT UP!!" I puffed my cheeks and turned my face away from him. "You know what I take that back you're annoying got that." I stuck my tongue out and closed my locker. "Goodbye!!" And I walked away to my classroom leaving a lonely hyunjin behind.

It was the end of the day and I didn't get to spend a single time with my friends unless if it was lunch but even then they were both so occupied with their boyfriends that I was just there third wheeling for both of them. I walked out of the school building and walked all the way to the courtyard.

"You know what I should've done long ago... fill a restraining order on chanyeol, why am I so dumb." I laughed to myself thinking no one was there. "God I'm so stupid why do I do stupid things for one guy who stood me up... it was basically a one night stand ha..." tears were forming on top of my eyes. I slapped myself. "No seungmin you gotta relax. No use crying over him it's in the past and you don't need to remember any of it. Plus it wasn't any good." I shook my head. 

"Oh really...?" A soft voice came out of nowhere. Hyunjins voice.

"I- no it wasn't good." I said as I stared at the ground he didn't come out of where he was hiding at. "What are you doing here to begin with??"

" I I don't even know I think my body just wanted to check up on you, even if I don't want to be here." He paused for a bit and the sound of his shoes made his way towards me to point where I could see them in front of me. He put his hand under my chin and made me look up at him. "I want you to know that, that day it wasn't a one night stand I truly mean that. I woke up that day and saw you sleeping peacefully I didn't want to walk you up, so i went to the store to get you some hangover medicine since you've drunk before but when I came back you were gone so I thought that I did something wrong and I tried to call you on your phone... but you never answered me..." His eyes were so soft and so were his hands and his touch.

Slowly my tears started falling down my cheeks. "I'm so sorry Hyunjin I really t-thought that you had left me and t-that what you did you regretted which is why you had left that day. I-I I never thought what you might have done and I just assumed things like always." I was sobbing right in his arms again. His touch has always had such a soft and warm touch to them. He embraced me softly and put his chin on my shoulder.

"it's ok everything is ok..." he whispered in my ear. "you- you're my everything my universe seungmin..." he pulled away from and leaded in the kiss me. our lips touched and as always his plump red lips were softer than a feather they felt right. His lips were meant to be with mine and I didn't know how much I missed them.

I kissed back and we both pulled away to catch our breaths. "god I love you so much Minnie you know that right. And if you still need some time to be able to be in a relationship i'll be waiting here no matter what. I'll wait for you even if were gray and old. Seungmin I want to be with you for the rest of my life and that's a promise so please hold my hand and come with me. Live a peaceful life with me and make me the happiest boy in the world if you say yes to be my boyfriend. You don't have to answer now like I said I'll wait for you for how ever long you need. I just need you by my side." his eyes started to water as well. "please stop crying... it hurts to see you cry. You know that right??" he wiped his hand near my eyes to wipe away my tears.

I just nodded my head not being able to say the words that I wanted to say. "I - I love you... so much hyunjin..." I managed to say in between my sobs. " I truly do love you. and and im sorry that i had to put you up through all of this im just a piece of shit that can't do anything right and- I don't deserve you. You're to kind for me and im just me..." I sobbed once more. I sild down to the ground and made myself into a ball. Did I mention a sobbing one. Hyunjin just hugged me and patted my back as I cried to him about how sorry I was.

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