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*author note: anyways I'm back again!!!*

And so my full week of hell began.

"Good morning Minnie!!" Jeongin was standing in front of my house.

"Good morning Jeongin..." i said awkwardly. I don't know what to do? What is he even even doing here? I turned around to lock my door.

"Hurry up!!! Seungminnn." He whined and it was really iterating me.

"Jeongin please just shut up for a minute it's 6 in the morning why...? Why are you so loud this early??"

"I don't know I'm just happy!!" He went up and linked arms with me. "Come on let's go!!" He started pulling me towards the way to school.

"Slow down will you we're already here..." i said while still being dragged by him.

When we got to school I saw felix, jisung and Minho. They all seemed to be having fun talking and laughing with each other. I was about to call out to them when Jeongin suddenly pulled me over to the other side.

"There there he is" he didn't take his eyes of Chris who was smiling very brightly. I looked over at Jeongin and you could see his eyes sparkling and following every little movement that Chris made.

"God could you make it less obvious that you like him." I giggled. He shot his eyes at me. Widened.

"I didn't know you had such... a.... cute...giggle...
Hyung..." he finally spit out the word hyung. It was a weird feeling but it felt nice that he was warming up to me.

I giggled once more and he just stared in awe. "Thank you" I patted his head. I was about to get up when he pulled me back and hugged me. He whispered something in my ear.


My eyes widened and pushed Jeongin off.

"WHAT THE HELL!!" I yelled my face all flustered but not because of Jeongin... I turned around and there was nobody there. "what the fuck Jeongin he's not there..." my heart sank while he just started laughing. I turned my head and pouted. I smirked. I waved my hand and smiled towards a certain someone. His eyes met mine and he just smiled towards me. "Hey Chris" I ran up to him. Jeongin just stayed behind and watched how I talked with Chris.

"how've you been??" he suddenly asked me. My eyes widened a bit but I smiled at him and placed my hand on his shoulder.

"I've been good. What about you, you cry baby" I giggled as he lightly punched my arm "This is fine because this is the way things should've been since the beginning" I smiled as I waved towards Jeongin. "Get over here you anti-social bug" I laughed as Jeongin slowly made his way towards us.

"Hey hyung" He smiled as he stood next to me. His face beet red as a well beet. "How are you doing??" He shyly asked.

"I've been well Innie" Chris smiled fondly at Jeongin almost as if he liked him... SHIT you're kidding me right. I smiled to myself... "How have-" I interrupted they're little moment

"Hey Chris sorry to butt in but would you mind if we go talk somewhere privity it's something about us grown ups that little kids shouldn't be listening into.." I smirked at Jeongin. I looked over at Chris who had a confused yet concerned look on his face. I tugged his sleeve and pulled him to the side of the building that was there. "so... this is really important don't lie to me or anything if you do I'll punch you right here right now." He just blankly stared at me before he answered my question.

"ok..? what is it?? I though we ended on a good note??" he asked so many questions. Goddness gracious how did he ever get through life all by himself. I cleared my throat.


"You no Do you like..." I paused. I could be wrong but then again it's worth the shot. "You like Jeongin..? Don't you Christopher." I smiled innocently towards him as his face flushed up. I started laughing. "Oh my goodness Chris you left me for him. I'm just kidding anyways I have some info that might interest you..." I pulled his tie and pulled him closer to me. I whispered something in his ear. "" he pulled away face all read he looked like he was ready to explode.

"Are you sure about this." He whispered talked. I just nodded my head and patted his shoulder.

"we talked about this. we're only friends because of this we wouldn't have even associated with him if it weren't for this. He's a good kid so treat him well. I'm sure that he'll treat you with lots of love and care he really admires you." he blushed even more than he already was. "god I need to get away you are so whipped for that man." i sighed "well my job here is done so go and do your buisness and whatever get to know him fall in love you know." I turned around and waved goodbye finding my way towards my friends he shouted out

"THANK YOU SEUNGMIN I REALLY I MEAN IT!!" I could already tell that he was smiling from ear to ear because that's the way that Chris has always been from the first day that I met him till now he is the same exact person as two years ago. Now it's my turn to man up and talk to hyunjin once more.

"HYUNG!!" A voice called out before I could enter the building. I turn around and I am faced once more with Jeongin. He was catching his breath. "Hyung... thank you... you... don't know how happy I am!!" He said in between breaths. "I'm so glad I met you, you're a great friend even after I did all of that you still hung around me and got Chris to... to tell me he likes me." He ran up to me and hugged me. wait...

"friends..?" I don't know why but at that moment I felt tears in my eyes. I've always had friends that cared for me so much but Jeongin just hearing him say those words moved my heart and I don't know exactly why...

"yes!! Friends Hyung. I'm glad that I'm able to call you my friend." He smiled so brightly this time he showed off his nice braces. "Oh right here!!" He took out the envelope. "The pictures and day6 tickets." He smiled as he handed me the original photos and the tickets.

"Thank you again!! Really I mean it for the tickets and i guess for the .... photos...?" He gave me one last hug and ran all the way back to Chris where I could see him practically jump hug him. I smiled to myself as I entered the building and saw a certain someone.

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