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For the past two days I decided that I wouldn't go to school. I still did all my work, it just didn't seem right to go back to school for a while. My mother did me a huge favor by saying that I caught a really bad cold even though it's starting to get warm again. It's been 3 months since the first time I met hyunjin. I wanted my happy ever after with him, but I couldn't he was clearly happier with Heather. It's not like he was ever gay. Like the people at school said he was probably just using me...

Felix kept trying to come over, but since I have the best mother in the world she just kept saying "come back tomorrow he isn't getting any better." Until today that he decided to push past my mother with the excuse of saying.

"I KNOW KIM SEUNGMIN LIKE THE BACK OF MY HAND AND HE NEVER GETS SICK!!" I'd say it was romantic except he's my best friend and has a man he's talking too. "KIM SEUNGMIN OPEN THE DOOR RIGHT NOW YOU HAVE SOME EXPLAINING TO DO MISTER!!" he kept knocking at my door and yelling at me. I smile reminds of back in the day.

"come in Felix you caught me" I giggled. I quickly got up and unlocked the door. As soon as that door was opened. He swung it open and hugged me tighter than ever, it was warm.

"Minnie i have an idea I know you might hate it but... I have something in mind to  get hyunjin back to you." See me and Felix go way back to 7th grade. Our first encounter not the best thing that ever happened. Then again it's what lead me to be one of his best friends.

3rd person yet again.

It had been one year since Seungmin had transferred schools. He was also now one of the biggest gangs in school. Every year each gang shows their true colors to see who was the best of the best. This year since chanyeol wanted a laid back year he sent seungmin to represent both his and seungmins gang. Seungmin being the best puppy he gladly obeyed him.

It was now 10:30 pm the time where most of these things happened. Seungmin was a lost puppy he didn't know where to go plus he had to take care of two gangs. Suddenly a smaller boy yet intimidating bumped into seungmin.

"Hey watch it!" Seungmin said even though he was clearly lost.

"Says the one that looks like he doesn't belong here." The shorter male said. "You look like a lost puppy and it's pissing me off." He quickly glared at seungmin and spit at his shoe. "Get lost loser you obviously don't belong here." The shorter male started to head towards a stage, but before he could go any further seungmin grabbed him from his back collar.

"I dare you to say that again bitch" Seungmin was ready to kill someone. The shorter male just glanced over and said

"Just wait." And pulled himself off seungmins grip.

"Ugh asshole." Seungmin went back to finding both of the gangs he would be taking care of when he suddenly received a text message.

Chanyeol 🥺💖:
Hey I decided to show up where are you??

Seungmin: Im near the stage

Chanyeol 🥺💖: alright just go to the stage then I'll be there.

Seungmin: ok love ❤️❤️

With that seungmin headed towards the direction the shorter male had gone off too.

After walking for about 3 minutes he finally got to the stage.

"Seungmin over here baby." He heard a familiar voice call out to him. He turned his head toward the direction of the voice.

"CHANYEOL!!" Seungmin jumped into the taller boys arms. Everyone around them made way for seungmin and Chanyeol. Except for one particular boy. The shorter male. "Ugh"

"That's so fucking gross." He showed a face of disgust. "Get a fucking room you two." Seungmin let go of chanyeol. Chanyeol just stepped back let seungmin handle things.

"Ha it's you again. Didn't I scare you last time bitch." Seungmin was already pissed enough at this boy in front of him for calling him weak (not really but sort of) he throw a punch. "Listen here you better know your place." And right before seungmin could turn around he also got punched in the face. Both boys went at each other but at the end of the day none of them won. They just wore each other off.

"Say...w-what's your name kid." The shorter male said.

"Seungmin Kim seungmin and you??"

"Felix lee Felix pleasure to meet you. You were a worthy opponent till the end." He slowly got up. "Let's be friends!!" He seemed way to excited about it but seungmin took a liking to that. He slowly stood and shook his hand.

"Sure lix!" He said rather to loudly.

Sure it's a weird way to start a friendship but after that day. Felix and I would fight until we got bored of it and actually started hanging out and doing friend things.

He's a weird guy, but i guess you could say if it weren't for chanyeol I would've never meet my best friend.

"So what is you want to tell me??" I asked him.

"So I was thinking you could like yk try and make hyunjin jealous. You have friends all over the place you could just tell them the deal. Even better ask Chris. Didn't he have a crush on you??" Felix explained

"Boi are you dumb or dumb... I don't want to lead Chris on plus what if I do end up catching feelings for him then what??" I was to worried maybe even paranoid.

"Min it's not like you like him." He said so calmly

"Bitch do you not remember me and him used to talk and even got to the point where we were going to date??? But then chanyeol came along and made me his." I looked at him with disbelief.

"Oooooh right that almost happened... but either way does it matter...?" I facepalmed myself.

"I'll talk to to him then..." wow it's been forever since I last talked to Chris

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