
521 26 1

*Hi hi im back from the dead yes this basically means that the final chapters are being produced at the current moment or have been completed.... who knows could be either one of those choices anywaysssss i hope you guys enjoy this chapter its kind of a filler chapter but is still important.*

I woke up my head on top of bare skin that was warm and soft. Milky skin that touched my cheek. I looked up at him and lightly poked his cheek. His eyes slowly opened as we made eye contact. I smiled softly at him.

"good morning last night was a trip wasn't it. It was really good too by the way." I winked at him as his face flushed up.

"Seungmin is that really the first thing that you have to say when I wake up.." He covered his face as I giggled my ass off.

"Yes" I kissed him on the lips as I got up and stretched. I patted the top of his head. "come on sleepy head it's time to wake up now." He turned around. I sighed "alright if you're late then its not my problem." I quickly got up before he pulled me back onto the bed. "Not today Satan" I ran out the room slamming the door shut behind me.

I finished everything I had to do, take a shower put my clothes on. I even made us breakfast but this idiot still hasn't gotten his ass of the bed... probably. I barged into my own room to find a very handsome Hyunjin in my clothing. 

"you know this isn't really my style and nor do I see myself wearing this, but it does remind me of you which kinda weirds me out because I'm looking at myself but also see you which makes me want to kiss myself..?" he lightly blushed as I giggled once more.

"what the literal fuck hyunjin just kiss yourself already damn you don't got to rub your good looks to people like us god." I said laughing at his stupidity "god why do I even like you. You're so dumb it makes me hurt so bad like how can one be this stupid, but so good looking, god really out here picking favorites." he just chuckled as he tackled me onto the bed.

"yeah keep talking and I'll have to punish you." he smirked

"sadist." I spit out. "anyways breakfast on the table hurry up or it'll get cold." I pushed him off.

"what'd you make" he hopped as if he never said that. to be honest it did make me feel butterflies but ugh whatever.

"you'll see also, you have about 20 minutes to get to school. So I'm heading out. You can leave the dishes on the sink I could care less were coming back to my house one way or another because of Chris' party aright." his eyes widen. "you forgot didn't you??" He nodded as his mouth was stuffed with food.

"I don't have an outfit though." I took out my wallet.

"we're gonna go shop because I want to try something out." I smiled at him. "anyways hurry up." I went up to him and gave him a peck on the lips. "I'm leaving now. the student council president can't be late." I winked as I walk towards the door and left a cute little hyunjin flustered.

It was the end of the day and again just like every other day that I go by without spending a single second without hyunjin is so boring and lame. He just lights up my whole wide world and I love him for it.

"did you wait long??" I ran up behind him and gave him a back hug.

"Of course not love." he turned around and faced me and gave my nose a small peck.

"good now lets go to the mall we have stuff to buy." I pulled his hand towards me as he slowly followed right behind me.

We arrived at the mall just in time. "alright hyunjin our mission"

"is to find the perfect outfit for each other." he smiled at me as he went into the mall first running.

"Hey THAT'S NOT FAIR HYUNJIN COME ON!!" I shouted as I ran into the mall as well.

I walked passed a couple of stores, but nothing really caught my eyes until I saw the store hottopic. I saw the hottest outfit that I had ever seen in my life. I clearly don't have a budget at the current moment because hyunjin said I could pay with his card so... I walked in.

OMG this is perfect it's going to be perfect on him... he'll look so good.

I went up to the counter. "excuse me...? do you have this in a size" (idk what size he is) {insert size} the lady looked me up and down.

"is it for you...?" she asked me. what the hell me and hyunjin are literally the same size.

"yes it is...?" I confusingly said trying hard not to sound pissed.

"the size is to small. The size ranges are different here you would probably need a size {insert size once more } " I made an oh face "I could get that for you don't worry just stay here." She quickly went to the back room.

Well that's what I get for assuming what people think of me goddamit seungmin you suck ass.

"here you go" she put the shirt into the bag as she grabbed the receipt and quickly wrote something on it and put it in the bag. "have a nice and comeback soon!" she seemed way to happy to be serving customers anyways, I wonder where hyunjin is at... did he even finish looking for my clothing god he might take forever for this-

"My love!!" he ran up to me as he gave me a back hug and put his chin on my neck. "I found you." I guess he did find me. "Oh hot topic" he smirked as I looked down he also had a hot topic bag. WTF if we got the same thing I'm going to cry.

"hyunjin what did you buy from there" I asked him even though I know that he wouldn't give me an answer.

"you'll have to wait till we get home my love" he bopped my nose.... wtf. I hate him. He grabbed my hand as we continued to browser at different little shops and in the end we ended up getting some cinnamon pretzels which were so good and amazing and just melted in your mouth.

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