The princess

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Korra looks beyond the bushes, squinting her eyes in concentration as she's watching her opponents, studying them carefully.

Three Cabken orks were standing before her, guarding the entrance to the tower where the princess should be. Two of the orks had swords, and the third had a bow and arrow. All three of them were wearing cheap leather armour. Korra never understood why to bother with this, any half decent sword would be able to slash through it easily.

They didn't seem to notice me, The tan girl mused as she watched them talking to each other nonchalantly, piece of cake.

She took the sword out of it's sheath and waited for an opening. When she saw one of them leaving his pose, she decided this was the time to strike.

She launched herself out of the bush, sprinting towards the orks, catching them completely off guard. They started to draw out their blades, but they weren't fast enough. She already swang her sword aiming for the closer one's leg, cutting through his armour and injurying him, causing him to yell in agony and fall over. She then turned to the other one, clashing their swords together to block his attack. She raised her leg and kicked him, causing him to stumble backwards, she then took this opportunity to stab him in the chest, her sword going through him completely as the life leaves his body and he falls back.

The knight turned around to the first ork, watching him limping towards her, dragging his injured leg and raising his sword clumsily to attack. This is too easy... She chuckled, while swinging her sword again, slashing his head off.

She looks at her sword, watching it glinting against the moonlight. She sees the ork blood smeared all over it and scrunches her nose in disgust, I guess I'll have to clean it later... She sighs and heads to the tower's door, opening it slowly and catiously.

She looks into the insides tower and sees a hallway, lit up with torches. The walls of the hallway are decorated by all sorts of ugly portraits and red certains. She enters the tower, her hand still gripping tightly onto her sword, keeping her guards up as she's walking inside, scanning the environment with every step of the way.

She reaches a stairway and decides to go up, assuming that the princess would be at the highest floor. She suddenly noticed a few other orks just a couple of floors above her, walking down the stairs. She ducks, planning her next attack carefully.

When they get closer she jumps up, slicing through the nasty creatures with ease, they barely managed to fight back before she got them all laying on the stairs, lifeless.

Korra continued her journey upwards in a quicker pace, practically sprinting upstairs, eager to finish her quest as quickly as possible and collect her reward. She was so arrogant and cocky about her first two victories that she wasn't even worried about what might happen on a third encounter with orks.

And that's where she made a huge mistakes.

When she reaches the top floor, she freezes, finding herself in a hallway with about a dozen orks, all equipt with swords.

She curses under her breath and draws her sword out, knowing that this is a battle she might lose. She might be way more skilled then any of them, but fighting so many at the same time can be proven to be quite... Difficult. But she doesn't give up nevertheless. After all, she is one of the best knights that are known to the world, if she goes out, it shell be in a blaze of glory.

The first two launch themselves towards her, swinging their swords in a clumsy motion, which Korra easily dodges by ducking. She kicks the first one in the legs causing him to fall, then she turns around to block the other one's attack. She disarms him and sends his sword flying away from his hands, she then smirks before slicing his chest and leaving a nasty wound. He collapses on the floor, and she turns around again to stab the other one before he gets up. She chuckles and gets back to a fighting position, waiting.

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