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Korra and Tonaraq got back a little later then expected.

At first, they were meaning to go for the tryouts only, but given that her father decided to give her the head of the guard position, they had to go through all of the duties that accompany that position before she starts actively being the leader. Therefore, by the time they got back, it was already dark outside.

Given how late it was, Korra really hoped Asami wasn't sleeping, because truth be told she missed Asami. She knew it was silly, since now the two had all the time in the world together and they literally were together just earlier today, but she still hated not being around her partner. It was just odd, she was used to being around her all the time, so she wasn't quite used to time apart.

Finally, they reached the ice castle and was greeted by her mother, who hugged Korra and to her disgust, gave her father a quick kiss on the lips.

"Where's Asami?" Korra asked curiously, noticing she wasn't in the entry hall.

"Oh, she just got back about half an hour ago," her mother informed, "she's in your room."

"Got back?" Korra quirked a confused eyebrow. "Got back from where?"

Senna shrugged. "I don't know," she admitted, "she just went out for a while..."

Korra pursed her lips together in slight worry and nodded, deciding that she'd have to ask Asami about it later. "So," she started, somewhat hopefully, "did you two have fun?"

Her mom nodded enthusiastically. "She's quite the girl," she said with a wide smile, "both beautiful and brilliant, well done Korra."

The comment had Korra beaming with pride. Though she didn't need her parent's approval, them being so supportive had Korra's inner child do lops in place and she couldn't help but smile widely at her mother.

"Thank you," she said, pecking her mom on the cheek, "I'll go see her right now," she informed and exited the entry hall, walking up to her room.

And in her room, next to a table, sat Asami. She was dressed in some sort of a furry robe and seemed to be very concentrativly sketching something.

"Hey Sami!" Korra beamed, taking off her armour quickly and stepping closer to look at the sheet of paper she was drawing on.

Asami have her some form of a 'hey' in response, but it wasn't really much of a word that left her mouth as much as it was a breath. That was a little odd, but she shrugged it off.

"What is it?" Korra asked, getting no response from her partner. Then, to get her attention, she waved a hand in front of Asami's eyes, making her jump slightly in suprise and snap her head in the warrior's direction.

"Oh, Korra!" She laughed. "When did you get here?"

"This moment," answered Korra with a smile, "what are you drawing princess?" She asked curiously.

Asami scrunched her nose slightly, shaking her head. "Designing, not drawing." She corrected. "I've met Varrick today and–"

"Varrick? That crazy basterd is still around?" Korra asked in slight suprise, cutting Asami off.

"Yeah, he is." Asami chuckled slightly. "He offered me a position to work with him if I give him a sketch of something I had planned."

Korra whistled, impressed. "I hadn't realized you were miss smarty pants." She teased, leaning with her elbows against Asami's chair and placing her chin on Asami's shoulder.

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