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Milky white skin clashing against carmel brown. Dazzling blue eyes stared right into hers, eyelids half closed in a lazy, yet desirefull look. Her jaw hurts at this point, but she still tilts her head upwards to capture those delicious brown lips again.

"Ki..." She whispered against them, her hands roaming through his damp from sweat chestnut hair.

He doesn't respond, instead, his hands find her naked back, and she's amazed just by how incredible his warm touch feels against her uncovered skin. She arches into his touch as his hands are sliding all over her body, softly stroking her sides, then the bare flesh of her torso, then her tights. She could feel his hot breath against her lips, she could feel his warm body pressed tightly against hers, she could feel him and he's all that she could feel.

The chemistry is between them is overwhelming to her, she never felt anything quite like this before. Ki pulls away from the kiss, and she immediately tilts her chin upwards in search for his mouth, letting out a wail of protest, only for the sound to be caught in her throat as his teeth sink into the flesh of her neck, making waves of pleasure to flood through her as well as creating a familiar throb appear just beneath her belly.

Her body was aching for his touch, begging for attention, craving release. She didn't have a care in the world, all she wanted was him, him to touch her, him to-

"Asami," suddenly a hand waved in front of her face and she blinked, turning her gaze to the source of the voice and blushing when she saw the man who just caught her fantasizing about non other then himself.

"Oh, I was just..." She started, searching for an excuse for her actions and failing.

"Was it your turn to reflect about your past?" The knight questioned with a soft smile.

Past? No, Asami mused to herself, near future? Hopefully.

She allowed herself to be entertained with the thought of being intimate with Ki, though it could never be more then just an idea. She decided she could still wish for it to be true, as long as she knew her boundaries.

"Something of the sorts yes," she lied with a mischievous smirk.

He caught her expression and his smile widened, turning into the most endearing croaked grin she's ever seen, and she immediately just wants to capture it with her own lips. But instead, she took another bite out of the food on her plate.

The princess was pretty sure she was becoming somewhat addicted to kissing him. She spent every waking moment either kissing the handsome ocean eyed man or thinking about kissing him. It was quite unusual, she had never experienced anything like this. Raw attraction on top of an emotional connection, something that was so wrong yet so right at the same time, something wild and incredible.

She never knew what to expect from him, but what she did know is that she wanted more. She craved him, she craved being around him, he has been haunting her mind for what felt like an eternity. The Satorian felt that saying she fancied him wouldn't do justice to all those pure feeling that flooded her with every single look of his.

Yet she constantly had to remind herself- This was only temporary.

"Sometime I wish I could just be a villager," The princess sighed "a life of simplicity doesn't sound half bad at the moment."

"I wouldn't know," Ki shrugged "I've never been just a simple villager passing through. I've always held a certain title to my name. Ki the knight and what not."

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