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Korra was never housewife material.

For example, anytime her mother would try to teach her how to cook, she would almost burn the entire house down, which was impressive considering how cold it was in the south.

When she was young, her parents just figured that she was a late bloomer, or that she was just an energetic child. But she was almost 13 now, and things haven't got any better.

To be fair, she didn't give it too much effort. She hated cooking and cleaning and she wasn't even sure she'd want to marry a man, let alone have children with him. This life just wasn't for her.

You'd think that with all of that in mind, and considering how frustrated and annoyed she got while doing chores, her parents would surely understand when she decided to tell them that she wanted to be a warrior on the tribe's guard.

"Is this some kind of joke?" Her father, chief Tonaraq, roared angrily.

You'd think that, wouldn't you?

"It's no big deal," Korra tried "I'm terrible at doing the house chores, but I'm a good fighter, I could help!"

"What makes you so sure you're a good fighter?" He asked her, narrowing his eyes in suspicion.

She fell silent, dropping her gaze to the floor, averting his eyes. Her hands started fidgeting nervously as she mulled over what she should tell him. When she couldn't think of any good explanation, she decides to tell the truth.

"I've been practicing sword fighting on my free time," she admitted, causing her father's eyes to widen in rage "I'm really good father," she added quickly "I promise you-"

"Girls don't fight! Girls don't join the guard!" He shouted, and Korra stumbled backwards with suprise and fear.

"I know, but you're the chief and I thought that maybe-" she argued, only to be cut off again.

"Exactly! I'm the chief! I can't have a daughter pretending to be a man on the guard!" He exclaimed "Did you not think about how it would make me look? How emberessing it would be for me?"

"Tonaraq." Her mother warned him, but the damage has been done.

Korra's eyes were wide, and she felt the moisture forming in them. Her hands were fisted and her eyebrows were knitted together.

"I didn't know I was such an emberessment to you," she said quietly but sternly, her voice trembling from all the different emotions flooding through her.

He sighed "Korra...-"

"Save it," she seethed, tears leaking from her eyes "you've said enough." She turned around and bolted away.

Korra didn't get it, it's not like they didn't have room in the guard, in fact, they needed people desperately. So why are they still so picky? So what if she was a girl? She could still fight just as well!

Korra at this moment decided 3 things:

One, She'll continue her training, to become the best fighter she could possibly become.

Two, She wasn't going to stay in the tribe, she had no business in a place that didn't accept her. Instead, she'll wander around the world, make money over helping people.

Three, her father will be proud of her. She'll show him.


The knight initially intended to wake the princess up a few hours prior so that she could get to sleep too.

But Korra found herself mesmorized by The daughter, so much so that she decided to just let her sleep until the morning.

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