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Running away was different then what Asami expected it to be.

Accompanied by the huge relief, came her guilty conscience. Maybe she shouldn't have left? Maybe she just doomed her entire kingdom?

But then again, if the alliance was really that beneficial, it wouldn't require Asami getting married to that jackass.

Another thing she felt guilty about, was endangering Korra.

Of course, the knight was more then happy to take down the Satorian soldiers who found them, and the bounty hunters, and... The general people who needed the gold.

Yep, the gold. A few days into the escape, and the two found out that the king of Satora placed a huge reward t those who will retrieve them. What a great father, isn't he?

It wasn't easy, the two had to be on the move all the time, traveling quickly from one village to another without staying put for too long. Because when they did, gold diggers found them.

"Duck," Korra breathed out.

Asami blinked, "What?"

"Duck!" She called, and finally the former princess remembered herself, ducking and dodging the attack.

If there was something Asami really hated, it was goblins. Greedy, swift, annoying. But of course they had to attack her and Korra, because how can their day get any worse?

Even though she hated them, fighting goblins was barely a mild disturbance, and Asami easily sliced through them. One, then two, then three and so on, allowing her blade to lead her movments. Her style of fighting was very different then Korra's, it was all about graceful movments, dodges and blocks. Whilst Korra's style relied more on strength, agility and constant strikes and blocks.

When Asami was done with her tiny foes, she exhaled, straightening her back her pushing a stray silky lock out of her face. Then, she turned around in Korra's direction, finding her with an goofy lopsided grin.

"What is it?" Asami demanded to know, a small smile creeping to her lips from the sight.

"Nothing," Korra said playfully, "you're just hot when you fight."

... But as much as she hated the fighting and the running away, Asami wouldn't trade this time with Korra for the world.

"Oh, so I'm only hot when I fight?" Asami said with fake offence, holding back a chuckle when her lover's eyes widen.

"No! That's not what I-" Korra started nervously, stopping when Asami bursted into laughter, and her cheeks filled with colour.

"It's not funny." The knight complained with an adorable pout.

"It's a little bit funny," Asami tried, leaning downwards to kiss Korra's pout.

A dreamy smile spread across her lover's lip, stretching from ear to ear as she hummed approvingly, fisting her hands into Asami's hair.

"Love you," she mumured.

"Again," Asami demanded.

Korra let out a soft chuckle at this, pulling back but keeping her hands in place.

"I love you," she repeated affectionately, kissing Asami's temple.

"One more time?" The former Satorian asked with an apologetic smile, placing her palms on Korra's shoulders.

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