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Korra was ready.

It's been a year since she last saw Suro, yet Korra didn't stop thinking about her for a moment. She couldn't stop thinking about their relationship, their last goodbye, how much she missed her smile, her voice...

Suro was right to tell Korra she wasn't ready to be a knight yet. A year ago, Korra had been an immature fighter in training, but now, she would consider herself to be a swordswoman to be feared.

So it was time.

If she stayed any longer, she would lose her mind.

Korra stared at the waves sparkling at the star light. Her reflection staring right back at her. She wore her hair down instead of her usual wolf tail and she held a sharp dagger in her hand. She was already wearing chest binding and men clothing, which she managed to flirt out of a random boy, poor guy. At that point, Korra was almost ready, there was just one more thing that needed to be done.

She grabbed her entire hair in her available hand, and with one swift and clean movement, she cut it off using the dagger.

Korra looked at her reflection again, noticing that even now with her new chin length choppy bob, she still didn't appear masculine enough to pass as a young man, but she didn't want to go any shorter to not give up on the small hint of femininity she had left.  Instead, she pulled her hair into a high bun to showcase her jawline, and decided that it works.

This is real, this is happening.


She turned around, a little worried that she might get in trouble, but when she saw a familiar old lady with a friendly smile, any worry she had was immediately replaced with bliss.

"Katara," Korra beams, going up to the elderly women and hugs her tightly, tears starting to form in her eyes "I have to go," she whispered, burrying her face into the women's shoulder.

"I know sweetheart," Katara answered, rubbing soothing circles under her shoulder blades "I always knew this day would come, since you were a child I could tell your destiny is elsewhere."

"I want to write my own story, like your husband did." The young girl explained sheepishly.

"Ah yes, that is quite an ambition you have there young lady," she smiled as Korra pulled back, placing her hand to cup Korra's jaw "I wish you have gotten to meet Aang, I see so much of him in you."

Korra was touched by the sentiment, it really meant a lot, especially coming from her, and she smiled softly at the old lady "Thank you Katara, I really am going to miss you," she spoke genuinely.

"Just do me a favour," Katara sighed "don't leave without saying goodbye to your family."

At that, the cheif's daughter's smile wiped out, and was replaced with a slight frown and a stiff posture "They'll only try to stop me," she said sternly "they won't understand, they never did."

"You don't give your parents enough credit," the older women scoffed "they love you. Give them an opportunity to prove it to you."

Korra considered her words for a moment, but she wasn't convinced. She always wanted her parent's approval, it meant the world to her. But it never seemed like they wanted to give it to her. Maybe she was a disappointment to them, but they were a disappointment to her as well.

She opened her mouth to protest, but Katara was faster then she was.

"Please, for me."

That did it for her, the old women was close to Korra's heart, hearing her pleading like that made Korra feel guilty about not listening to her as well as not telling her parent, so she nodded in agreement, swallowing thickly and saying her last goodbyes to Katara, who just smiled lovingly and hugged her again before heading back to her house.

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