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Korra tied her hair into her trade mark top knot with a sigh, straightning her clothes. She already got used to life without her chest bindings, now she needed to readjust. It wasn't an uncomfortable piece of clothing by any means, but it wasn't exceptionally comfortable as well, and she preferred being without it.

Unfortunately, she had no choice.

She was tired, exhausted even. But of course she was, she hadn't slept all night. Because how could she rest? She was too busy contemplating their earlier conversation, otherwise occupied with her own anguish and gloom.

At the time, Korra remembered thinking how gorgeous Asami was like this, her eyes darkened with lust, her hair damp and her skin glistening with sweat against the moon light, wetness streaming down from her silky folds and to her milky thighs, her slender fingers threaded in Korra's hair, fisting almost painfully from the pleasure filling her, pleasure Korra had given. And the sounds she made... the sounds the watertriber pulled out of her were so arousing, so perfect. She, was perfect.

And then suddenly it hit her– she wants to see this vulnerable side of Asami every day, to wake up next to the princess every morning, to make her feel this good every night for the rest of time. She wasn't willing to let go, not when they only just scratched the surface of their connection.

The words tasted familiar when they left her mouth, even though it was the first time she told Asami she loved her, first time she was able to admit aloud what she knew deep down from the moment she landed eyes on the pale girl. It felt true, right, and terrifying. It was the second time in her life she put her heart out in the open like so, and all she could do was hope that this time, it wouldn't escalate in a similar way.

"I..." The princess stuttered "I don't know what to say."

"Say yes," Korra urged, stroking her soft silky hair and brushing it away from her face "we'll go anywhere you want, I'll follow you to the end of the world Asami, let's... Let's just go."

Asami seemed to consider her words, her expression hesitant and uncertain and the warrior's heart pounded, harder then ever in her life. At the moment, there was only one thing on Korra mind.

Don't let me down.

Please don't let me down.

"Korra... I'm sorry..."


With a sigh, the knight buried herself in the crook of Asami's neck "It's alright," she said softly, pressing a tender kiss to her shoulder and fighting the water forming in her eyes "it's alright, I understand."

"Do you..." The girl beneath her started nervously "do you regret what happened?"

Korra shook her head "Not one bit," she assured "do you?"

"I'll never regret being with you" Asami said softly "never."

That'll have to do, Korra thought as the memory faded away, they didn't have much time together, but it'll have to be enough. Because unfortunately, their love had to be left in the past, while the pair was approaching the future.

"Are you ready?" Present Asami asked her, ‏resting a hand on her shoulder and smiling sadly.

"Not really," The warrior let out a sigh "but can I ever be?"

"Come visit?" Asami questioned her fingers playing with Korra's soft chestnut hair.

Korra was doubtful, but nevertheless she answered "Of course," with a tender smile. How could she come visit? Visiting meant being reminded of the fact that she failed in making Asami stay, failed making her happy. The thought alone was too agonizing to bear.

The wandering knightWhere stories live. Discover now