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At that point, it was pretty obvious how Asami felt towards Korra.

She could see it in her eyes every time the princess looked at her, she could see it in the colour of her cheeks every time she did as much as tease her slightly, she could hear it in the words the two exchanged, and she could feel it with every small touch they shared.

The inner conflict was written all over Asami's face, a conflict Korra knew all too well. Growing up, no one informed her that she could love the same gender, the subject was hardly talked about in traditional tribes in general, and if it was, the only thing that was mentioned that some sick males sometimes had preverted relations with one another. Males only.

She learned that she was attracted to women through everything that went down with Suro, as a matter of fact, only after a few months on her own did she realize that Suro and her weren't the only ones.

Asami was heaving a similar identify crisis, she was certain of that.

And if she only had some mild suspicions about the princess's feelings in the beginning, when the girl asked for Korra to hold her the other day, it confirmed all of them.

After that, they walked in a rather quick pace, maybe Asami was purposefully trying to avoid the knight in order to stay in her comfortable denial, maybe she was doing that subconsciously. But the warrior wasn't one to give up so easily, especially when she knew she had a chance.

So she flirted, teased, made it her mission to turn the Satorian's cheeks completely red on every occasion she could, and she was quite good at it too. It wasn't hard by any means, a playful smile was all it took to turn Asami into a blushing, blubbering mess.

On top of that, she also found it fun to be a little handsier then she should be. Whether it was brushing their shoulders together or placing her hands on the other's waist in a false claim that she was just helping her with balance... Korra wasn't going easy on Asami by any means.

And just when she thought she might've over done it, the green eyed goddess asked if she could keep her warm during the cold night.

So that's how Korra found herself wrapped around Asami once again, unwilling to move. She did her best to stay awake and on guard, but she might've dozed off a couple of times. The princess was just so warm and comfortable, and their bodies fitted so well together, she could stay in this position forever.

Before she knew it, the first ray of the morning sun hit her face, and Korra realized that neither of them moved the entire night, staying put in their comfortable cocoon. She smiled at the thought, Brushing a few dark locks behind the princess's ear and pressing a soft kiss to her temple. Then she started getting up, making Asami whimper at the loss of warmth around her and nuzzle into herself, all in her sleep.

Korra almost put on her binding, before remembering she didn't have to anymore. Even though she was upset about how their relationship fell apart when the truth came out, it was weight off her chest, literally. And she was still hopeful about the future with the pale girl considering her observations, she was only hoping that Asami will come around soon, since there was only a few days left for their travel.

"Asami," she said, ducking and placing each knee on both of the princess's sides, softly stroking her cheekbone with her thumb "wake up darling."

With stir and a small flutter of her eyelashes, the pale women opened her eyes slowly, half asleep jade eyes meeting hers.

"Good morning Ki..." she mumbles with a yawn, a satisfied smile forming on her lips.

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