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Asami was looking desperatly for a reason.

The entire time she was involved with Ki, she was looking for a reason to stop having all of those new and confusing feelings, knowing it could never last. She tried fixating on his flaws, she looked for anything that would give her the power to watch him leave when they got back to Satora, yet the quest always seemed to come up short.

And she finally found a reason. In fact, you could say she found the ultimate reason.

So why did she still feel this way?

The princess was upset, she was mad about Ki– Korra, lying to her, she was upset about being so naive, she was upset about not seeing it sooner, she was upset about her being with a woman.

So why did she not hate the idea?

She tried to tell herself it was only because her mind was yet to register Korra as a girl, but she couldn't say she entirely believed this excuse herself. Her feelings were stronger then ever, and every time she thought about kissing the knight again, her heart skipped a bit.

"Stop it." She grumbled unhappily to herself under her breath.

"You said something princess?" Korra turned around with a questioning gaze.

"I have nothing to say to you," Asami spat out.

A pained expression temporarily appeared on the watertriber's face, and Asami almost  felt bad if it wasn't for how enraged she was about the dishonesty.

"Is this really how it's going to be now?" She asked sadly "Do we have to do this?"

"Oh, I don't know, did you have to lie?" The princess countered sarcastically.

The warrior gaped at her in disbelief "Yes!" She then exclaimed "I did have to lie!"

Asami didn't answer, she just huffed in displeasure and continued walking with her arms crossed together and a slight frown on her face.

She definitely wasn't prepared for how much things about Ki would change– First thing's first, the name. She just couldn't get used to the knight's new, or rather actual name instead of Ki, it seemed impossible. Other then that, Korra started talking in a higher pitched tone. Again, it was probably just her actual voice, but it caught Asami off guard everytime she spoke. And the third thing is that Korra started wearing her hair down, she had a chin lengthed straight bob that framed her face perfectly, which annoyed the princess even further because it was gorgeous. She was gorgeous.

Luckily, Asami wasn't into girls.

It's always been boys, right? Her entire life, she always noticed handsome men, she had fantasized about them, she felt attracted to them. Heck, she was attracted to Ki thinking he was a man! Sure, she only learned recently that some girls are into girls, but that can't be the case for her, right?

However, Korra's words lingered in her mind.

'But... Do you like me? Just me specifically?'

No, that was impossible, she decides sternly, she was just confused, that's it, there's nothing more to it.

"Watch out!" She suddenly heard a call and felt two warm hands on her shoulders holding her down. She blinks, noticing she almost went face first into a tree.

It took Asami a moment to return to reality, and she shrugged off Korra's hands, trying to ignore how electrifying the touch felt, and how much she missed it.

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