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It's all my fault.

"Korra?" Came a harsh whisper from behind her.

She jumped, turning to face the person, breathing out in relief when she recognized Tahila. Only for said relief to immediately disappear when she saw fear displayed in her olive green eyes.

The city was flooded with knights at that point, and from what Korra overheard, there were more Satorians and Furyians on the way. And though she really wanted to kick the shit out of all of them, she promised Asami she'd come back safe and sound. So now, when the city was completely evacuated from civilians and all of the other guards already left, it was time for her to sneak out too.

But something was wrong. She saw that in Tahila's scared expression and couldn't leave her like this, she had to see it through.

"What happened?" She asked quietly, glancing over the wall of her hideout for a second to make sure no one was listening, then turned back to face her.

"I-it's Suro and K-Ki..." She mumured, frightened. "I-I can't find them..."

Korra's eyes widen and her heart started pounding harder in her chest, feeling her own panic starting to rise beneath the surface. "Maybe they've already been rescued?" She suggested, clinging into her own words.

"No," Tahila shook her head in response, hyperventilating. "I asked every guard on the way, no one has seen them a-and I–"

"Hey, hey, it's alright," Korra said softly, placing a hand on Tahila's shoulder, "we'll find them, don't worry."

"B-but what if..." She mumured, her eyes turning glassy with tears.

"What if nothing, it'll be alright, I'll help, we'll find them." The former knight said in the most soothing voice she could manage, not allowing herself to display any sort of uncertainty. That was the last thing Tahila needed right now.

Pulling her nose, she nodded, pointing her index finger to the direction behind them. "I already searched that area," she informed, "so they have to be in the other half of town, they have to be."

Nodding, Korra glanced around to see that there are no soldiers in the area and stepping out of their hideout. "We should split," she instructed Suro's wife, "that way we'll cover more area in less time."

"Okay, yeah, sounds good," Tahila nodded in response, "see you soon." She added, sniffing and turning around, running.

Korra didn't dwell on watching her leave, she had a mission to attend to. So turning around herself, she started sweeping the area with her sword drawn out. She searched everywhere; every dark corner, every house, every ruin, every alley.

She found a soldier, and in a blink, he was down.

Another soldier, down.

A third soldier, down.

She hid a few time, rather then fight. Knowing that she couldn't risk something happening to her, Asami wouldn't stop blaming herself if...

"Leave me alone!"

The shout came not too far from where Korra was, and she'd recognize the voice anywhere. Jumping into a standing position, Korra ran towards the voice, only increasing in speed as she continued running.

Then, she stoped in her tracks, seeing Suro standing there, completely fine, with a bloody sword in her hands and a Satorian corpse at her legs.

Actually, scratch that, several Satorian corpses at her legs.

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