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It was a rather sunny day in the kingdom, the birds were chirping, the wether was nice, golden rays of sunshine shone from sky, the warm wind hit her skin, and Asami was doing her by far, her favourite morning activity.

Kicking. Tahno's. Ass.

It was pretty humiliating really, he was considered to be a big deal in Satora, a very well known knight with a great reputation, yet he never managed to land a single hit on the princess, not even one, and boy oh boy did she enjoy it. Knowing she will get to wipe his stupid grin off his face was enough to get her through all of the intense training she wad forced to go through. It was so worth it.

Miss, miss, block, dodge.

She saw an opening and took it, using her wooden sword to hit hard against his, making his grip on the handle lossen and he lost focus. Then, she used his distracted state and jabbed her sword lightly in his stomach, and at that, the match was over.

She clicked her tounge, shaking her head with an arrogant grin playing on her lips "My my Tahno..." She taunted him, drawing her sword back "Losing to a girl once again, you must be devastated."

"Pfft, right," Tahno rolled his eyes and smirked "the only reason you keep winning is that I have a different sort of sword I'd rather stick in you..." He said in a suggestive manner and topped it off with a wink, making all of his obnoxious friends watching laugh. A filthy sound that always managed to get on Asami's nerves.

The girl frowned, stepping closer threateningly and giving his crotch a firm, anything but gentle grab, and lifting, making hin yelp in pain.

"A sword?" She spat out angerly, tightening her grip and making him grimace "Perhaps a mild dagger, that if I'm being generous. And with that mouth, it's no wonder you've never gotten to stick your 'sword' in any girl."

She let go, allowing him to fall down. His knees  go weak and he almost collapses whilst his friends 'Ooohh'ed him. Satisfied, the princess turned around to leave, a winning smile playing on her lips.

"You're lucky to be royalty Sato!" He called after her angerly "Otherwise I would've ripped your head off and fucked your rotting corpse a long time ago!"

At that she stopped, turning around with a murderous glare, making her way towards him slowly "Is that a threat, Tahno?" She said with an alarming tone and narrowed eyes "Because if it is, I'll be more then happy to accompany you to the chambers myself for threatening the princess of Satora."

"Lock me in a chamber huh? Why not dual me?" The knight smirked "Are you scared?"

"I fear nothing," she spat the last part with a frown "and certainly not a rocky knight who never even manager land a single hit on me durling training."

One of Tahno's friends threw him a metalic sword, and he caught the weapon without doing as much as looking "You want to go, sugar queen?" He hissed.

Asami smirked, grabbing an actual sword from the stand next to her "Bring it on, pretty boy." She taunted.

Blades were drawn, fighting stances were taken, and Asami was ready. She had enough of the knight's cocky attitude, she was so ready to finish this, once and for all...

"Your highness?"


"Must you interrupt?" She shot at the poor servent, vaguely aware that it's none of his fault, but she had so much rage built up that she didn't even care.

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