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"Shhhh, easy girl..." Korra whispered under her breath, patting her horse's back. But her efforts were in vein, because a moment later, her horse neighed loudly despite her attempts.

"C'mon Naga..." The knight groaned, looking around to make sure no one had heard her "we have to be quiet... Asami will be here in no time."

She then raised her head to look at the castle, lifting the dark fabric of her mask to her nose while waiting for her lover to appear.



"So, how do we go on from this?" Korra questioned after a few minutes of silent cuddling, her face buried in the crook of Asami's bare neck.

"You're leaving tomorrow morning," Asami said. It was a sad statement, like the thought had pained her. But on the other hand, her words weren't completely holpless.

"I am," Korra affirmed, pressing a soft kiss to her partner's shoulder before pulling back to lock eyes with her "do you think you can escape the castle on your own?"

"Yes," the Satorian answered almost immediately, and for a moment, Korra could've sworn she heard a hint of hesitation or uncertainty in her tone.

"Are you sure?" She asked, narrowing her eyes and stroking her lover's pale cheekbone.

"Of course," Asami waved her off "I know the castle like the back of my hand, there's only the slight problem of the extra security my father had set up..."

"I can break into the palace if you'd like," the knight eagrly suggested, wanting to help "I'll be in and out in no time."

"Escaping a highly guarded castle is a difficult task in it of itself,"Asami said sternly "so trying to sneak out with extra weight? It's on the verge of impossible."


"Besides," she cut Korra off "I'll need you to get us out of here as soon as I manage to break out of the castle. The escape will be much quicker if you just let me handle it alone."

The knight huffed out in displeasure, but knew better then to argue with Asami over her plan. "Fine," she said with a slight pout "but how am I supposed to get us out of here fast enough for no one to notice us?"

"Get a horse?" The princess suggested.

Korra bit the inside of her cheeck,  it's actually a decent idea... She thought to herself, I'm sure there's a market somewhere in the kingdom where I can get one... She opened her mouth to ask Asami when the escape will take place, but once again she was cut off. This time, however, it was a knock on the door that disturbed her.

She gasped, her eyes meeting Asami's wide ones. She quickly signaled the pale girl to hide beneath the bed with her head and rolled go the side. Jumping off the bed and grabbing comfortable clothes from her bag, pulling them on. Her heart was pounding like crazy as she tied her hair up and glanced back, checking to see if Asami was well hidden.

When she was done and had determined that Asami wasn't in plain sight, she approached the door. Her hands shaking with adrenaline and fear, her back was bent forward to hide the curve of her breasts and her jaw was clenched. When Korra reached the door, she extended her shaking arm to grab the door knob, twisting it a little and pulling the door open. And the moment she answered the door, her breath stopped all together.

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