The guard

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Korra stared at Tahila, then at Suro, then at Tahila again, and then at their matching betrothal necklaces.

Her wife? What did she mean her wife? How could the two be married?

"I don't understand..." Korra mumbled, eyes darting between that Tahila character, Suro, and Ki (so weird).

"I met Tahila on the way back," Suro admitted with a sheepish smile, "it was right after she left her old village."

"The place wasn't exactly pleasant," Tahila offered, still glaring slightly in Korra's way.

"We instantly clicked," Suro continued, "so much so that she decided to follow me to the tribe."

"But..." The knight scratched her head, "You two are married? How... It definitely wasn't possible when the two of us were..."

"A lot has changed since then," Suro said softly.

Suro was married to a woman.

She felt so conflicted about it, on the one hand, she was happy for Suro. She still meant a lot to Korra, and she was glad that Suro got a good life at the end. But on the other hand, she couldn't help but feel slightly upset after everything that went down. It wasn't that she wanted Suro, she didn't, but as a child Korra had to go through such a rough heartbreak that a part of her couldn't help but feel slightly bitter about it.

But then, Asami turned to her with a glint of excitement in her dazzling green eyes and a wide smile playing on her lips, and every negative feeling she may have had washed away entirely. Instead, a dreamy smile started forming on her lips because she realized one very important thing that she missed.

"We can have a life here," she whispered in awe, her hand taking a hold of Asami's.

"Is that something that you'd like?" Asami asked.

Is that something that she'd like? It's something she dreamed about as a child, fantasized that one day she could be completely accepted in her home. Heck, the only reason she left to be a knight was because she couldn't serve at the guard, but given that Tahila was wearing the guard's armour...

"Yeah, it is," Korra confessed, "what about you?"

"Me?" Asami laughed, "I don't care, as long as you're with me I'll follow you to the end of the world."

Korra smiled, inching closer to press a soft kiss on her lips, before turning back to Suro and Tahila.

"So what happened here exactly?" She asked curiously, still smiling widely. "What caused this drastic change?"

"We don't know the exact details,"  Tahila confesed, "hell, I wasn't even here before this huge change."

"But we do know it had something to do with you," Suro completed.

Korra's eyebrows shot up from suprise, wrinkling her forhead. She pointed at herself, feeling a mixture of reverence and confusion.

"Me?" She repeated, pointing at herself."What did I do?"

"Apperently, your departure left quite an impression on your father," the short girl explained with a smile. "All we know is from stories."

"Stories?" The former Satorian asked curiously.

"Check this out," Tahila said with a smirk, then kneeled downwards to face the young boy. "Ki?" She asked softly, "Have you ever heard about The legend of Korra?"

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