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"I'll miss you,"

"Korra, you're going for a few hours, tops."

"I can still miss you!"

"Fine, fine, I'll miss you too."

"You're sure you don't want to come with us?" Korra worried her bottom lip, her hands on Asami's waist.

"Sorry love, I already promised your mother I'd spend time with her," the former princess said apologetically.

"Ugh, fine." Korra huffed in displeasure, then leaned in for a quick peck on the lips, "I love you."

"I know," teased Asami, placing a palm on her lover's chest and pushing her away slightly, "go now, make me proud."

After kissing her one last time, Korra and her father went on their way, and Asami couldn't help but chuckle and shake her head watching her lover waving goodbye so eagrly.

"She's gotten quite muscular these last couple of years," Senna noted from besides her.

"Has she?" Asked Asami, looking at her with a questioning gaze. "I just assumed she was always fit."

"Not at all," Korra's mother laughed, waving a dissmisive hand, "she was quite a chubby child actually."

"That sounds adorable," Asami said lovingly, smiling at Senna.

Smiling back, Senna clapped her hands together and rubbed them. "So, what did you have in mind for today?"

"I was hoping you could show me around town," the ex Satorian answered politely, "Korra showed me around a little but I haven't seen much."

"Of course! How about we head for the market?" The chief's wife suggested happily. "We could get you some more weather appropriate clothing at the same opportunity!"

"Oh, Senna, it's alright. I have my coat." Asami dissmised.

"One coat," she argued, "and is it really warming you up well?"


"No. It's freezing here," admitted Asami sheepishly.

"Exactly,"  Senna said firmly, "now, stop being silly and follow me."

She started walking with Asami close behind, curious emerald eyes scanning the environment around het. Much like yesterday, the streets were busy, but even though there was a lot of people there, Asami was stull able to notice a few questioning looks sent her way.

"Why are they looking at me like that?" She whispered towards Senna, her cheeks slightly flushed.

"The people here are not used to outsiders," Korra's mother answered apologetically, "we barely have people here that aren't native water tribers, around two except for you. But don't worry, you have a place hete just as much as the next person."

Asami hummed in response, still feeling slightly emberessed about the extra attention. She kept following Senna, but this time she kept her gaze on the ground, doing her best to avoid people's gazes by not making eye contact with any.

"So," she approached Korra's mother, "what was Korra like as a child?"

"Stubborn." Senna huffed out, smirking when Asami started laughing in response.

"Oh, trust me," Asami shook her head, her shoulders still shaking from laughter, "that hasn't changed."

"I figured, given that her father is how he is," she chuckled, "but other then that, how is she doing nowadays?"

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