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There was something so very soothing about being in the cocoon of Korra's arms.

The only problem was that Asami still couldn't sleep.

At least Korra was fine... But Suro... And Tonaraq...

Sighing, Asami looked to the side, where Senna was cuddling with Kai. Asami had no idea how come Senna didn't hate her yet, Asami was the one who got her husband killed, got their tribe conquered, if only she would've stayed...

No. She wouldn't think about it, Korra told her not to.

Seeing that she wasn't anywhere near falling asleep, she decided that perhaps a walk to clear her head would help. So she peeled Korra's arms off of her, trying to slip out of Korra's embrace without waking her. Which was proven to be quite a challenge considering how tightly Korra was holding onto her while sleeping. And though she succeeded, Korra still stirred and closed her eyes tighter in confusion and displeasure, trying to locate the warm body that just escaped from her grip.

"Sami..." She groaned, half asleep still. "Don't leave me..."

The former princess couldn't help but smile from the adorable sight, sleepy Korra was easily one of her favourite Korras.

"Don't worry love," she said, softly and quietly, "I'll be right back, I promise."

She then leaned forward to press a kiss to Korra's cheek, making her partner release a soft whimper before drifting back to complete sleep. Then, Asami got up, trying to ignore the peircing cold breeze that hit her and she started walking around, tip toeing in an effort to not wake anybody up.

After walking inside the forest territory for a while, Asami decided to leave it for a little bit. The few guards on the night shift scolded her when she tried walking away from the group, but after assuring them that she wouldn't go far and showing them her sword, they allowed her to leave for a while. It's not that she was running away, she just needed fresh air, that's it.

However, to her suprise, after a little distance she once again found herself not alone. It was hard to see because of the dark but as she got closer she noticed a familiar figure... Digging..?

"Tahila?" Asami asked when she was close enough to be able to recognize said figure, and Tahila stopped her actions to look at her, her eyes widening in fright.

"Aren't you babysitting Ki?" She asked while quickly climbed out of the hole she was digging, sounding terrified.

"He's with Senna, he's safe." Asami was fast to assure her, then tilted her head when  the young mother breathed out in relief. "Where did you get a shovel?"

"I sneaked to the city, stole it and a few other things," the guard shrugged, as if it was nothing, "I had to start digging, I need to do this, for her." She nudged her head to the side where Suro's covered body was laying.

Asami ignored the ache in her chest that formed from looking at Suro, instead she focused on the insane thing that Tahila just said. "You went back to the tribe? Alone?" She asked, horrified. "Tahila, that's so dangerous!"

"I'm alright," she countered, "I had to go steal a shovel, Suro deserves a proper burial and I'm going to give her one, I have to."

"What you have is a kid to look after," the former princess scolded, "you need to be careful, if not for you than for him. You can't just cut yourself off! He needs you, he can't stay alone–"

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