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The silence of the night was filled with calls of war and the sounds of clashing steel. The darkness eloping them was pushed away by the light of burning torches, helping them to see. Half of the guard's force was following Korra and Asami, to the side if town with the ice palace, attempting to reconquer it. The other half, was led by Tahila to the ocean's side, and though they didn't know how things were looking for them, Asami had no doubt in her mind that Tahila would come up victorious.

In their half, it seemed like they managed to catch the Satorians by suprise, given that the most of them weren't even wearing an armour, and the tribe was taking advantage of it beautifully. She could barely sneak glances to look at her fiancée, given that she had her hands full constantly, fighting soldier after soldier. But when she did manage to still a glance, she was astoned to see Korra, fighting multiple people at once, not missing a beat. Kicking, ducking, jumping and striking, her lover was fighting more furiously then Asami had ever seen her fight before.

Countering an offence thrown by her foe, Asami returned her focus to her own battle. She spin-kicked his sword holding hand, managing to disarm him with one hit. Then, she jabbed the sword to his ribcage, sighing when he stilled.

She didn't know this knight per say, but she did see him around the castle a few times back in Satora. And though she knew in her heart that they attacked first and that her tribe was merely protecting themselves, she couldn't help but feel a little sorry.

This guy had a family, and her father just sent him to risk his life in a useless battle, and for what? He wasn't planning to keep Asami alive for the alliance, this was just a sick revenge journey.

This was her fathers doing, this is blood on his hands.

Not hers.

"Carefu!" Korra shouted from a short distance away, stopping her actions if only for a mere moment to look at Asami. The former princess blinked, snapping her head back to see another knight storming her way. She ducked last moment, making his knees hit her back and he fell forward. With a grunt, Asami pushed him off her, pressing her foot against his throat as she used her sword to block another Satorian that surged her way. The one beneath her struggled as she kept blocking attacks from the other one, but she had a death grip on him, and soon his struggle stopped.

In good timing too, because a moment later the second knight managed to make her flinch, and she fell on her breech. Then, he smirked, letting out a filthy sound that could only be interrupted as a chuckle. He threw his sword away and kicked Asami's to the side too, then reached to grab Asami by her coat and pushed her hard against a wall of one of the houses nearby by, making a pained gasp leave her mouth. But before she could struggle out, he pressed his forearm against her throat and pressed, blocking her airway.

Her two hands shot to his arm, trying to tear it away as she struggled to breath. His free palm began stroking her cheek in a somewhat creepy manner that sent a shiver down Asami's spine.

"What a pretty little face..." He said, his hand trailing downwards to meet the fabric of her coat as her vision turned slightly blurry. "Would be a shame that it all would go to waste... Don't you think?" He said suggestively,  tugging on the hem of her pants, making Asami freeze in fright.

But before anything else happened, his eyes widened with fear and his grip on her lossened. She gasped for air and fell to her knees, seeing him collapse from the corner of her eyes.

"Asami?" Two warm hands rested  on her shoulders and straightened her back, and she came  face to face with a horrified Korra. "Sweetheart? Are you okay?" She asked, sounding more freaked out by the moment as her hand rose to fist Asami's hair.

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